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You enter the cafeteria and install at a table. You take out your lunch, it was a tuna salad with tomatoes, an egg, some biscuits and some bread. You're so hungry that you almost throw yourself to your food but you wait for Hyunjin to take out his. He took out his lunch, which was a slice of pizza and vegetables on the side. Where did he get this pizza from ? You think to yourself. You both start to eat, chatting between every bite of your respective lunch.

Through this day, you learned a lot about Hyunjin. You're glad he opened up to you about so many things. You've basically dreamt of becoming friends with him, was it becoming true now ? Hyunjin is such a cool person. You love his hair, his face, his lips, his clothing style, everything about him. He's really charming. But not everything's about his looks, he also has a great personality. Even if he's not the same with you as he is with your brother. He is really kind, caring and funny.

You both finish eating your lunch, but there is some spare time before the next class so you both sit on a bench under a tree to cover from the sun. You decide to call your brother.

The phone rings :

Hey sis ! Chan said.

Hi ! How are you ? You asked.

Great, what about you ? Why are you even calling me ?

I'm fine, just wanted to take news about you, is it that bad ?

Hyunjin peeked at your phone and saw you were calling Chan.

Hey Chan !

Hyunjin ?? What are you doing with my sister ?

We go to the same university, dumbass

I meant when did you two even become friends ?? The only friend you told me about was Chaeyoung.

I don't need to tell you everything you know

Yeah, but still..

Anyways.. You turn to Hyunjin. Do you want to talk to Chris for a bit or can i hang up ?

Yeah, let me talk to him

Okay !

You lend him the phone and he walks away, as if he didn't want you to hear what they were talking about. About 20 minutes later he goes back to you, laughing with Chan on the phone. You couldn't help but feel a little jealous of their friendship. But this feeling stopped when you remembered that it was normal since you've known eachother for 1 day but with Chan they've known eachother for like 3 years.

You hung up with Chan and got ready to go back to class. On the way, you chatted again with Hyunjin until you reached the classroom.

A few days passed and you got to be more close with Hyunjin. He definitely became your friend. You two get along so well ! One week later, as you and him are hanging out together at school, he turns to you and asks you something.

Ah, also i wanted to tell you that i'm going to Australia to see Chan next week, since it's the holidays. So i wanted to know if you wanted to come with me, because i bought two plane tickets for me and my mother but she decided she wouldn't come so i have a spare ticket. Hyunjin said.

Uh, yeah sure ! How long are we staying ? You replied.

For the whole holidays, two weeks basically.

Okay !

The rest of the week goes on pretty quickly. You hang up with Hyunjin and Chaeyoung, happy that you've made a new friend ! You learned even more things about Hyunjin, also that he loves dancing ! So during the weekend, you asked him if he could teach you how to dance properly. He agreed and came over to your appartment. You spent the whole weekend together dancing and it was so fun ! His dancing was mesmerizing. His flawless movements, his smooth arms.. he really was handsome. The weekend passes way too fast, but you're excited to go see your brother so it's okay ! Hyunjin leaves your appartment after eating to go pack his things for tomorrow.

Sorry, i love you | Hyunjin X (fem)reader Where stories live. Discover now