Enemies to Lovers.

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Voice overflowed, and thoughts shivered, no-
Thoughts overflowed and voice shivered,
No one said a thing to me, and I still heard,
I heard about something cruel and haunting,
I heard things, which left me wanting,
Wanting to never speak up again,
To shut myself, because who'd hear a voice which will cause them pain?
So in a corner I stand,
Smiling and just waving my hand.
They told me, oh they did tell me,
That I have nothing to be scared about,
But I never believed them and instead winced as my mind made a shout.
"Oh, everyone's an enemy,
You won't survive,
Look how incapable you are,
You would never thrive"
And then my thoughts shivered, literally.
Oh, how I made my biggest enemy out of my mind,
Now I am left with many regrets, and regrets are never kind,
But then I tilt few years back,
I see, not even then those voices ever lacked,
But I did, I thrived,
I, in all the seasons, survived,
And if you ask me who saved me?
Who or what, made me feel less lonely,
Let me tell you the tale of thoughts which overflew,
The same thoughts sometimes were too pleasant to believe.
Rescued me from getting worse,
Oh, my mind and me, the best enemies to lovers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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