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—chapter five.

THE APARTMENT was quiet as they and sam prepared the living room for the twins and anika to sleep. they were all very frightened of ghostfaces return.

olivia sat in her room, watching her tv. olivia pounded her fist on the wall as she heard was quinn having sex again. 'when does she not?' olivias mind wandered to were she had to shake her head in disbelief.

olivia stood up, opening the door to the main room. "am i the only one who hears that?" she speaks as the door opens to quinns room. quinns body falling on top of her. olivia fell to the ground, in shock as they screamed. ghostface stood over her.

she was pulled off the ground by anika falling back into mindy. chad ran out of the apartment dragging tara with him. the masked person, quickly swiped his knife onto mindys shoulder, blood spilling.

sam thought fast and quickly ran into the kitchen, the knifes no where to be found. "where the fuck are our knifes?"

olivia stared in shock, seeing her best friend on the floor.

anika was pinned to the floor screaming as the person was carving into her, olivia holding mindys arm up, and sam running in with the wooden knife block, banging the masked person in the head.

the killer let go quickly falling over. "come on. lets go." olivia said pushing past the girls and grabbing anika, pulling her up off of the floor.

the girls ran into quinns bedroom. olivia still holding anika as she lowered herself onto the bed. mindy slammed the door, holding onto her side with her clothes now blood stained. olivia wobbled over, pushing the door as closed as she could, the killer still trying to break into the room.

the knife in their hand, sliding through the door, cutting mindy and olivias side. sam stared through the window, ushering the ladder through it.

"mindy go-"

"someone has to hold the door." she said moving the dresser more in front of the door.

"olivia." she pulled her off the door pushing her towards the window as she helped mindy. anikas screams getting louder.

olivia quickly put her hands on the ladder, looking back at anika. "go." she said.

her body wobbled as she pushed herself onto the ladder. sams boyfriend ushering her across.

once she made it she yelled. "sam." to which sam rushed, pushing herself on the ladder, practically throwing herself across.

soon after mindy went. trying her hardest not to look down.

mindy crawled into the window. "anika!"

anika looked at them, then the ladder. "i can't." she sobbed.

"anika, please. you have to hurry." her girlfriend cried.

anika pulled herself up, crying as she made it halfway.

"anika you have to move right now!" anika turned back, looking at the masked person.

"anika give me your hand." sam shouted, before anika could looked back, the ladder started to shake.

she tried pulling herself foward, but the ladder was shaking to much.

"baby i dont wanna die." she sobbed out to mindy.

her body, tumbling downwards, into the alley below.


olivia stared out the window, crying loudly, looking up at the window across. the killer no where to be found.


a/n: screaming, crying.


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