Chapter 10 - First Round

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Clear sky, the Sun rises at noon, the fresh wind gives the area the perfect environment to be outdoors while witnessing the fights in the Arena, as an opening ceremony to the rounds 1 against 1 all the competitors in the center are presented to start the four initial fights.

Chris, Tsubaki and Guilian can't help but stare at each other with the thought of facing two of them in the finals and checking the results of their trainings. However, without giving many indications, the other competitors observe each other to analyze the others who are famous, in order to make strategies in advance and be able to finish quickly with the combats.

Ryuken, in a totally immutable way, never opens his eyes, he remains totally immobile and without the need to analyze the situation. Hanna, from the audience, begins to feel a strange sensation in the body, it is not tension, it is not the "pulse", it is not unpleasant, but it does not feel good either, despite this, it feels that there is something that does not add up. She begins to observe the surroundings, but finds nothing peculiar, except for the center of the Arena, almost imperceptibly Ryuken gives a small glimpse at something.

That leaves her intrigued, so she decides to try to discover the goal of such an action and realizes that it was Chris, and she realizes that he is also on alert and after a few seconds she turns to observe Ryuken, as if there is "something" between them. He begins to feel a pressure again, this time Tsubaki and Guilian begin to feel it because they keep watching Chris on alert.

It's just a presentation, but they can't help but feel the danger. After a few minutes, Queen Alice gives a speech on how the adepts have become in recent centuries one of the greatest forces in the world, how nations have begun to unify and how the world is transforming into a peaceful one due to the efforts of the leaders of both human and adepts kingdoms.

Once the speech is over and a few minutes of emotional applause, all the participants return to their rooms and begin preparations for the first fight. Ryuken and Alexander go out to the field from opposite points, the whole Arena is silent as they observe that the fight is about to begin, the tension in the air is overwhelming and the signal sounds, the fight begins.

Alexander throws whirlwinds from his arms and Ryuken dodges them minimally, barely moved his body, but Alexander decides to increase the pace, begins to launch more attacks, more often and bigger and Ryuken continues to dodge them while taking steps to approach. People are stunned to see that Ryuken shows no sign of difficulty and is now only 5 meters away from his opponent.

That's when Alexander, totally desperate, decides to take his ace out of the sleeve, begins to form whirlwinds in both arms and Ryuken starts to feel that the air begins to become lighter, the whirlwinds shoot out with great power and speed, spinning in opposite directions, these cause between them a vacuum chamber where its walls have wind loaded with dust traveling at high speeds, crushing everything in its path. Ryuken moves at high speed to dodge it but ends up receiving a little damage to his clothes, the vacuum chamber ends up suctioning the target with great efficiency to be crushed, his maneuver must have been quite powerful to have been practically unharmed.

Alexander recharges to use his technique and Ryuken begins to get into position, the tension is felt in the air as his gaze gathers concentration. The whirlwinds come out even bigger and then, Ryuken disappears into them. He received them fully and everyone is impressed to see that there was absolutely nothing left.

But something is not right, Alexander begins to fail breathing, that's when a voice sounds near his ear:

"You're still a newbie if you get carried away by appearances. Your attack certainly is easily deadly and of great power, but it is of no use if it is directed at a mirage." Ryuken is right in front of Alexander, who is barely standing with a frantic breath.

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