A Jump Off the Pier

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I sat on the bar stool admiring the scenery. A dark, moonlit sky and the waves crashing which was giving me a beautiful ring to my ears.

Speaking of beautiful, a beautiful blonde is eyeballing me from the bench of the pier. I took another shot and walked over there.

"Hey," I said, without emotion. she was now hanging her legs over the edge of the planks of wood hanging over sea level.

She gasped, I guess I scared her and she turned around. I opened my mouth but before I could speak, she fell in. I threw off my shirt and jacket and dove in after her. I had been a junior life guard since I was 8 and now I do it for a living. Diving in and saving people.

I hit the water, swimming down and down till I saw her not too far. I grabbed her by the waist, swimming as fast as I could to get her to breath in air. I scooped her up and swam to shore, hauling her with me.

I ran to where the water wasn't hitting her and checked for a pulse. She wasn't breathing. I started to do CPR. Pumping her diaphragm, breathing through her mouth, checking her heart beat, repeat.

At some point she coughed up water like she swallowed the whole ocean. She looked at me drily as I admired her eyes. She closed them and I rubbed her cheek to open up her eyes again and she obeyed.

I ran and grabs my shirt and jacket. "Here," I said,and she took it, quietly and slowly. I helped her slip it on as she shivered, and even I could tell she was trying to hide it.

"What's your name?" I questioned. she was playing with my sweatshirt.

"Angela Williams," she replied softly.

I put out my hand and she took it, I slowly shook. "Elliot," I said, "Blake Elliot."

The girl, that I know knew by Angela, let go of my hand. Then she hugged her knees and I snaked my arm around her to keep her warm. "I think you should change out of those clothes,"

She just nodded. "You can wash your clothes at my house," I offered and she looked over at me, with her eyes kinda wide

"I don't want to intrude-"

"It's my pleasure. I don't want you to be stuck in the cold." I stood up and held out my hand to help her up. She gladly took it and we started for my car.
He instructed me to his car as I walked silently. To be honest, I barely knew him and was kinda scared. "What if your some kind of mass killer?" I said teasingly.

"Well, there's always that possibility," he was quoting the fault in our stars. He chuckled opening the passenger door for me to enter. I sat in his nice jeep that was army green in color.

I cuddled with his jacket an he began to speak. "So, how old are you?" he asked, needing conversation.

"17, but my birthday is in a few months... what about you?"

"19," he said while driving. "So your in high school?" I just nodded and looked out the window.

"You can stay over and I can take you to school in the morning," he said, since today was a Wednesday.

"Please, you have already done so much, I can't possibly make you go through that much torture," I said. He just saved me from plummeting to my death that waited at the bottom of the ocean.

"You just fell into the freezing cold water and your still in your wet clothes. It's the least I could do," he replied. He read my mind.

I bit the corner of my lip and looked out the window. Should I? I barely know the guy. But he did just save me. "Okay" I replied quietly.
I pulled my dodge into the driveway and ran out to open the passenger side for Angela. She smiled at me and jumped out.

We walked up to my front door and I unlocked it. When I swung the door open, she was scouring my house. We walked in and she was curious.

"Where are your parents?" She asked me

"Oh, I moved out a long time ago. I'm 19, remember?"

All she did was nod. Then she started looking at he pictures on my walls and table-tops. "So," she said, I was hoping she wouldn't ask about my family, "do have any extra blankets or anything for me to sleep out here,"

In my head, I sighed in relief. "No, no, no, you can sleep in my bed. I'll take the liberty of sleeping out here." She bit her lip nervously.

"It's fine." I said, "I swear.

She looked upset, but we kept going about our business. "Do you have extra clothe I can wear" se had stopped looking at my pictures and was leaning against the bar.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll put your clothes in the dryer when your done," I replied. I hope she's ok with wearing my boxers and tee shirt. I walked into my room then out holding the clothing. Angie cracked a smile, then took it from my hands and headed towards the bathroom.

I took this time to make my bed. A.K.A. the couch. Not that I'm complaining, but I would rather be sleeping on my posture-pedic bed. I finished the bed I had created with a sheet over couch cushions and a warm blanket.

I turned on the tv and moments later a girl emerged from the bathroom, where she had just been changing. And damn did she look fine. I looked up and down biting my lip. She started to look at her toes while shaking her head.

I say to her, "my bed is ready and made. You can go to sleep if you like. " she nodded and walked off.

I walked into the bathroom and found her cool, damp clothes in the sink. My jacket that she had over her was wet too. I threw all of the clothes in the wash and dryer.

I snuck over to my room and lightly knocked on the door. I hear her light and beautiful voice sounding, "come in."

I cracked open the door. She was all cuddled up in my comforter. "You settled? you need anything?"

She cracked a smile and shook her head. I just smiled back and slowly closed the door.

I laid on my couch creation and turned off the tv. Time to turn in for the night.
I fell asleep peacefully that night, but then I started having dreams

My lungs filled up with water. I couldn't breath. Without gills like a fish I wouldn't survive.

Tossing and turning in the night, I let out a scream. I couldn't breath, speak, and inevitably, scream.

Moments later I feel a tug on my arm. "No, stop, please" I try to say. I go back into conciseness and Blake is shaking me from my slumber. I instantly hug him.

He rubbed my back soothingly and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. "I sorry" I say, but he just shushes me. I cling tighter.

"Blake, will you sleep with me tonight?"
Little bit of a cliff hanger there, not too much.

First off, how do you guys like the book? I have deleted and unpublished so many books bc I was unhappy with them.

This book is one of my friends and I's creation. I think I'm happy with this book. Everything about it I love.

Hope you guys enjoy,

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