Chapter 4-Scar Tissue

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A/N.. its supposed too be the next day so time jump ig.

Darcey first choose Billy, he was good with machinery and weaponry she set him the task of building a devise that can detect the specic chemicals and diodes that where in the serum. She then choose Jimmy as he was good at blending in with crowds, he was going too a James Iha rally in the Mystic Mountains. she put Dave in charge of the private army he wasnt someone who take no for an answer. She had Coutney as her personal assistant and planner but she put up a fight so instead a team of Billy and Dave was created.

After everyone was chosen Dave and Billy started planning and evaluating the data they had.

"Ok.. so we know that James Iha is trying to find the Hair Growth Syrim. This is probably so they can use it to dominate our friends and family" Dave said in confidence he was always so right.
"hey can you call our freinds at the World Health Organization so they can tell us the ingredients so you can make ur thing" Dave looked at Billy it sent a shiver down his spine being ordered around like that.
"Ummm... yeah sure thing..Wheres the Phone"
"by the printer" he said he had this hair back in a pony and his glasses on and it made Billy feel like he was spiralling. 

"OK dave I have called our friends at the World Health Organization can i have some paper too write down the stuff." Billy walked over too dave 
"oh.. yeah of course"
Dave slid some paper over too Billy
"umm.. Dave" Billy said timid he didnt want too anoy Dave with loads of questions he didnt seem anoyed but who knows.
"My bad,,... here you go have mine"
Dave held out the pen and when Billy took it from him their hands brushed against one another, Dave chuckeld as Billy quickly took his hand away 
"Cant they do better then that?" said Dave he was leaning over Billys shoulder looking at the list of ingredients... the amount of tention in the room was unmatched. billy stumbled across his words..
"N No no, its only umm.. the World Health Organization they have never been uh reliable but its all we have" Billy looked at the lsit there where a couple of missing spots but there was enough specifics too find the serum.
"-sigh- stupid World Health Organization." dave was rocking in his chair, Billy looked behind him and back down at the paper dave was too hot too handle.

"Yeah we always has to keep bailing World Health Organization out of trouble.. they havent been the most legal association" billy chuckled dave laughed and abruptly stoped rocking in his chair and spun Billys chair around to  face him. 

"Its called the diodeal quantum extactior location device" billy said
"hu???" Dave looked confused
"you called it a thingy earlyer, its called a diodal quan-..."
"yeah yeah quantum extinction device i got you are you gonna build it so we can stop Evil Iha then" he laughed and put his hand on Billys shoulder.
"yeah ill get too work on it" Billy Stood up and walked too his work station, he noticed Daves eyes move down too his ass when he walked away, he knew he had a big ass but never new it drew that much attention.

Once the device was finished they went too Darcey too show her the results.


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Dave Mutsaine and Billy Corgan and the search for the Hair Growth SerumWhere stories live. Discover now