A Bit of a Hobby

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"He was a shoo-in for the school, wasn't he?" he heard one of the teachers say in an attempt to reference Jason's good grades, which was why he'd been accepted to the private academy.

They 'd not been there long, though, as the teacher, who sighed in response, had been and thus knew Jason's peculiarities. "I guess." Then came a deep breath from the man. "I do think they'll be an interesting fit."

Jason ignored the man standing in the doorway, instead focusing on his schoolwork. In the back of his mind, he knew why the man said, " I guess , " in response, having learned as he'd grown older that his behaviors weren't quite normal, that his intelligence level wasn't quite normal. And he knew they were there because he was getting a new roommate for his dorm room, not that he cared. Getting homework done was still, even in his teens, at the forefront of his mind.

"Well, Calvin, this is Jason," the man said. "He'll be your roommate, but you may want to have him show you around campus later."

"No thanks," the other young man said, going and flopping loudly onto the bed, not that Jason cared. His roommates had come and gone, the teachers for some reason assigning what they deemed troublemakers to be his roommates, at first perhaps to see if he could effect a change in them, only for none of them wanting to stick it out—that meaning sticking it out with him who they often found to be such a bore with how focused he was on homework. None of them realized he too could be a troublemaker, although the teachers knew, and thus, later on, it became an issue of putting the two troublemakers together to keep an eye on them.

And that was that, with Jason not paying his roommate. He didn 't care, as he turned to see that said roommate, in fact, had a stuffed toy tiger with him, although to say he didn't care was more of he didn't hold that against his roommate, even found it amusing. It wasn't amusing, hearing the sudden muttering, the talking to the stuffed tiger toy as if they were really there, thus interrupting his train of thought when it came to his homework. He turned, mouth pushed together. "Hey."

And to that, the new kid stared, blond hair sticking all over the place, the toy stuffed tiger nearby, one eyebrow cocked up. "What?"

"Are you talking to yourself?"

"No. I'm talking to Hobbes," Calvin said.


And then Calvin held up Hobbes.

Jason sighed, shaking his head and turning back to his homework, wondering if it were his turn to have a roommate drive him crazy, although as he had seniority in the dorms, it would still be Calvin who was transferred out. But then, Calvin started talking to Hobbes, the stuffed tiger, about a prank, insisting that it wouldn 't be a problem.

Jason felt the corner of his mouth twist, turning to Calvin. "Let's do it."


"This prank you're planning. I like the sounds of it."

"I was talking to Hobbes," Calvin said, giving Jason a skeptical look.

"I know you were, but I'm offering to do the prank with you," Jason smirked. "Plus, from the sounds of it, Hobbes doesn't agree to do the prank with you, is he? So I will."

Calvin stared, mouth opening, then he turned silent. He was silent for a while before saying something to Hobbes, telling the stuffed tiger that was that, and then he turned to Jason. "Okay. Let's do it."

Jason nodded his head, pleased to have found a buddy willing to pull off a prank with him.

"Didn't think you'd be the type?"

"Oh, because I'm into the homework thing?"

"I'm not," Calvin said.

And at that moment, Jason almost blurted out that he would pay Calvin to do his homework for him, yet decided it was better not to, as he 'd finally figured out it wasn't normal to pay others to do your homework, that it was far more typical for the pay to go the other way. Jason smirked. "Well, I won't hold that against you."

A Bit of a Hobby (FoxTrot/Calvin & Hobbes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now