What My Version of Sun Is Like

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- Sun's a lot like Moon, just more rowdy and talkative

- Sun's sentences are more put together and less repetitive than Moon's

- Sun's very playful, and likes to play with you all the time

- "(Y/N)! What should we do first!? We could draw or put on a sock puppet play together OOH! OR, OR, OR, WE COULD PLAY HIDE AND SEEK! OR TAG! HO HO HO! So many wonderful things to do!" (-Santa 💀)

- Sun's gonna do everything you two can possibly do together before you have to go home

-Once you have to go home though, he'll beg you not to leave

- "B-B-But (Y/N)! What do you have to leave? We were having so much fun together! S-Surely you can stay just a tiny bit longer?"

- If Sun could frown and cry, we would whenever you left

- Once you came back he'd forget all about it, and be back to his happy-go-lucky personality

- When you first started calling him Sunny, you always laughed until you couldn't breathe, and Sun could never understand why (if you get this then you are ELITE-)

- Because of the Gregory incident with Moon, kids stopped coming to the daycare. Sun was sad at first, but now he was happy he got to spend all his time with you

- Sun always presses his smiling mouth against your face to imitate kisses

- Sun loves to cuddle, and just walk around hugging you in general

More chapter coming in a few minutes :']

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