The Glow returns

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Two years...since the accident....two years since she was gone. His queen... his Kalos queen. The cold wind swirled on the mountain as he stood on the top of Mt. Silver which was white from the endless snow.

A spiky black head man stared emptily at the hard cold ground with a headstone that held the name of the Kalos Queen. Even though she was buried somewhere in Kalos he had made himself his own little make-believe grave for her and placed his hat next to it. He dropped the crown of flowers next to the other two which were now just mere dust. Even though it was two years ago it still felt fresh in his mind. The car crash. The smell of burnt tires and the sound of breaking glass. Her lying dead in his arms. He was lucky he lived but at that moment he wished he had died with her.

"Ash," whispered a voice behind him.

He glanced back spotting a redhead with a Pikachu on her shoulder. She was wearing a thick coat and snow pants.

"So this is where you have been for the last two years," sighed the redhead.

"You and Pikachu shouldn't be here," frowned Ash.

"Neither are you and Pikachu misses you," stated Misty." nobody has seen you for two years. Ever since...well you know."

"She was my life. She was everything to me," growled Ash as he clenched his fists.

"But that is in the past now. You should move on," replied Misty." everyone misses you... and I miss you. Every day I have thought about you. You left without a goodbye. So it made me wonder.... but I am glad I was wrong."

" I couldn't be around you guys Mist," sighed Ash turning around letting Misty see all the devastation he was still holding on to." Ever since I became a Pokemon champion I had become an emotionless thing. The one that everyone would look up. I couldn't let them see how weak I am."

"Ash. You are anything but weak! I have seen you do things trainers never imagine. So you are not weak and you don't have to live up to other people's expectations! You are perfect just the way you were. Which was an innocent boy who wanted to pursue his dreams, " exclaimed Misty as Pikachu squeaked in agreement.

"Pikachu," murmured Ash as he reached for him.

"Pika!" squeaked Pikachu as he hopped off Misty and ran to Ash.

Ash hesitated for a second. He hadn't held a single Pokemon ever since he left Pikachu and all his Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab.

"Everyone has been looking for you," stated Misty as she walked over." Including your rivals. They all are worried about you. Even that strange purple-haired one is too."

Ash looked at her shocked. Everyone was looking for him... even Paul.

"They are looking for me?" he questioned while his heart felt warm.

"Ash if only you knew how you impacted on everyone's lives you met. Like me," Misty smiled weakly as she grabbed Ash's calloused hands." especially me."

Ash looked at her and saw Misty's eyes turn glassy. Then a tear started to drop. He reached for her face and wiped the tear away then rested his hand there.

"Please come back. Come back to Pallet Town," begged Misty as she leaned into his touch.

"I am no longer the boy you once knew/" stated Ash as he abruptly pulled away." I have changed."

"I know that boy is still somewhere inside you. You just need to discover him again," exclaimed Misty." I mean it is ok to be sad! But you need to let go of your grief! Move on!"

Ash thought of her words and let out a deep sigh.

"Your right," he admitted quietly as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder." I need to...let go. Grieving won't help me move on."

Misty looked at him with tears this time not sad ones but with joy.

"You are going to come back?" she exclaimed.

"Yes... Yes I am," replied Ash stooping down to grab his hat.

As soon as he stood up Misty was right there. She grabbed him by his collar and collided her lips with his. She then ended it as abruptly as she had started.

"I have been longing to do that for years," she smiled then ran away yelling." see you at Pallet Town!"

Ash in shock stared at Misty as she ran off.

"Misty loves me?" he thought while petting pikachu's chin." Maybe she is the missing piece.."

Then his eyes had a slight glow again with what he had once lost.

The glow of joy.

***********************************************************************************************Hiya! I hoped you like it! 

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