info sheet duh

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This story is gonna take place before the Lightners come to the castle but Jevil is locked within his cell still

Y/N: You are a royal servant but you tend to the duty of helping Rouxls and taking care of the place

Rouxls: THE DUKE OF PUZZLETHS NYAHAHAHAHA Other than that Rouxls is Y/N's mentor who is also the right-hand man of the King

King Spade: A quiet man who tends to stay quiet but when he isn't he shouts orders at the servants but never yells at his son Lancer

Lancer: the kind-hearted son of the King who is next in line for the Throne, tends to play around but in the end, he's just having fun

Jevil: Locked away in his cell for saying that your entire world is nothing but a game for people to view and watch us die but was also charged for harming Seam.

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