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Chapter 31

    In the next few days, the Qing'an Bakery was still in full swing, and the business was booming.

    Of course, while it was lively, some small problems were also exposed.

    For example, the cash register process is not particularly smooth, because everyone needs to choose their favorite shopping bags on the spot at the front desk, so it is inevitable that there will always be some time delays.

    It’s okay when there are few people. The waiters have time to recommend to customers one by one, but when there are more people, the queue in front of them is always not moving, and the customers waiting behind are inevitably a little anxious.

    Especially for some office workers who are in a hurry, they are not as carefree as children. They can choose things slowly before leaving. Even if they are late, they can just explain a little, and they don’t have to worry about being deducted.

    Office workers come to the bakery mainly for simplicity, quickness and hassle-free, but they waste the most time queuing up instead, which is not worth the candle.

    After Xu Yangyang posted the opinion book, there were several complaints about the inconvenient cash register. Therefore, it is imminent to improve the cash register process.

    In fact, if it is simple and rough to correct, it will be simple. Just remove the link of screening the packaging bags. If you have special requirements, you can directly ask them. If you don’t have special requirements, you can use the same packaging bags, and you don’t need to distinguish their styles. and shape.

    However, Xu Yangyang was a little bit reluctant. Some Q version characters were authorized by her with great difficulty, and she spent time to find the best quality printing factory in the city to make them, and signed an order for half a year at once. It's a bit overkill, and it doesn't reflect the characteristics of our shop.

    Just when Xu Yangyang was a little worried, the little girl at the cash register offered a suggestion.

    She believes that various packaging bags can be arranged directly next to the special new products of the week. If the guests like it, they can take it by themselves and choose what they like or want, without sending a person to introduce it to them. In this way It can also give customers sufficient freedom to choose, maybe they prefer it.

    She has to entertain so many guests every day, and she has long been aware of the cash register problem, so the solution she proposed is naturally more straightforward.

    Xu Yangyang thought about the feasibility of this plan carefully, and found it to be very effective. It can fully respect the choices of customers without giving them a sense of surveillance. Anyway, everything is at the discretion of the customers, and at most, a part of the consumed packaging bags can be used to save more customers' checkout waiting time.

    So, she just did what she said, and called everyone to take advantage of the lack of people now, move the transparent glass cabinet with various packaging bags to the cabinet of the weekly special new products, and choose a few cute stickers for decoration In this way, the problem of slow cashier speed is simply solved.

    As a reward, Xu Yangyang generously paid out of his own pocket and gave 1,000 yuan to the little girl who made the suggestion, which made her more energetic in her work.

    In fact, the money in Xu Yangyang's pocket is not much left after spending the past few days like running water, but she knows that the encouragement from the employees must be indispensable. Money can be earned back slowly if it is gone, and every fresh and useful idea is a great recipe to speed up making money.

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