episode 33 || together until the end

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"What?" She says it in a confused tone, but the panic is clear in her eyes. They all looked over at her. "What are you talking about, Aria?" She asks me. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." I narrow my eyes at her. "No. I don't." She says sternly, which surprises me a bit.

"You better watch who you're talking to like that. Your little secret might just slip out by accident." I glare at her. "What? Secret?" Usagi asks. "She's lying! I don't have any secrets!" Asahi quickly remarks.

"Okay, so you both clearly know something. Why aren't you telling us?" Arisu asks. I shrugged and leaned on the wall, crossing my arms and staring at Asahi. "She has all the answers you want." I say. Arisu looks over at her. "Are you the witch, Asahi?" He asks.

"No! No, I'm not, Arisu! She's lying! I bet you she's the witch! She's accusing me to hide herself!" Asahi says, pointing at me. I sneer. "No. Aria isn't the witch." Usagi said. "How do you know?" Asahi quickly says. "Because she was there when Niragi..." her voice drained.

"Niragi what?" Arisu asks. She stays quite and looks away from us. "Usagi?" He says again. "Why don't you two discuss this later? We have more important things to work out right now." Tata tells us.

"So are you the witch, Asahi?" Arisu asks. "I'm not!" She whines out of desperation. Arisu looks over at me for answers. I shrugged. "I never said she was." I say. He groans of annoyance. "Then why are you pointing fingers at her if she's not the witch!" I shrug again.

He puts his hands in his hair and seems to be thinking again. "You're right there Arisu," I say with a smirk. I see him struggling, so I decide to help out. "Have you really thought of every possibility?" I asked. He squeezes his eyes shut and listens to my voice.

I slowly walk over to where he's sitting. "Wouldn't Aguni already figure out if one of his militants were the witch? Don't they all just follow his orders, afraid of his next step?" I sit next to him on the bed.

"So it can't be be militants." He whispers. "The Beach members. Militants are watching their moves. They guard every door. How would it be possible for a murder to happen under their noses?" I ask softly, intending only for him to hear me.

I can tell his catching in to what I'm saying. He knows where I'm going with this. "What about Aguni? The militants guard his room, follow him around like dogs." I say. "Right. A murder wouldn't be possible with everyone around." He said.

"But wouldn't it make sense for him to be the witch?" I decide to throw him off a bit. He stays silent. "Aguni the witch. No one would see it coming. Him and Hatter hated each other. Wouldn't it make sense for him to kill Hatter to be Number 1? No one has the balls to kill him. They're all too afraid of him." I say.

He seems to be thinking of the possibility of Aguni being the witch. "No. No, Aguni can't be the witch. He can't be. I know." He says. I don't ask him to explain to me. I don't know why he knows Aguni isn't the witch, but I know he's right.

"Who's left, Arisu?" I whisper to him. Within moments, he stands up with his eyes bright. "I think I know who the witch is." He tells us. "You do?" Usagi asks, hopeful. "Who is it?" Tata asks. Arisu looks at me. "Thank you, Aria." He says, to which i nod back.

"I don't have time to explain right now. We have to go tell the rest! Usagi, help me out," And just like that they all run out the room. We all make our way to the lobby. We're now just at the corner of the annex, where we can see the militants have everyone cornered. Aguni has a gun pointed a guys head.

I suddenly stop walking and make eye contact with him. Tata notices my absence with the group and turns around. "Aren't you coming?" He asks me. "No. I think Arisu can take it from here." I tell him, not breaking the eye contact with Chishiya.

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