the chilton girls

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              sara could never sleep when it was cold out, always tossing and turning until daylight. on that particular winter morning she got about four hours of sleep, until she finally gave in and woke up. it was only 4:30, so she tip toed out of the room she and rory shared so she wouldn't disturb her. she looked around their house, deciding what to do with the three hours until school. her mom would probably wake up soon, and they'd go to luke's. until then, she decided she'd read. when sara read, it was like she'd been transported into someone else's mind, and it had been something she'd loved every since she was little.

          lorelai had had rory and sara when she was only sixteen, but she was the best mom a girl could hope for. they all did everything together, and were a really close family.  but she'd also become close with luke. still, sara secretly wished she was closer with her grandparents, because she felt like she acted more like her grandfather than anyone else in her family. 

         when she was done reading, sara looked at her clothes and picked an outfit for the day : a white t-shirt, beige cardigan, jeans and docs. she threw on her favorite dark green jacket, because she was always freezing. her mom had left at around 6:30, so she decided to wake up rory, who was usually up really early.

       "rory, get dressed, we're meeting mom at luke's" she said, gently shaking rory awake.

       "ok, i'll be right there." rory said sleepily, before sitting up and opening her eyes. once rory was ready they left, and walked to luke's together. sara was dying for coffee, like rory and lorelai, she was fully obsessed. when they finally got to luke's, she barely even heard what her mom said, except for it had something to do with lipgloss.

     "that lipgloss will get on your mug." sara warned, but rory just shrugged and happily applied the color changing lipgloss. all of a sudden a guy came over to their table. he started chatting them up, until lorelai came back. 

     "i've never been through here before." the guy spoke, all sultry.

    "oh, you have too." lorelai said from behind. his head whipped around, and he smiled awkwardly.

   "oh hi."

"you really like my table don't you?" she smiled. the guy stuttered, eventually just leaving luke's. her mom had always been able to make guys stutter. apparently the ability was not hereditary. 

"ok, rory, we gotta get to school, we'll be late." 

 school was school, girls fought over nail polish, and made fun of rory and her for doing the assignment. they looked at each other, and rolled their eyes.


sara and rory walked into the inn, looking for their mom. all of a sudden, they heard squealing and rushed in. 

"mom, is everything ok?" sara asked, concerned. then she saw her mom's grin.

"did you do something slutty?" rory interrogated.

"i'm not that happy." lorelai handed the girls each a bag.

"we're going to be in a britney spears video?" sara joked.

"you're going to chilton!" sookie squealed. 

"what!?" sara exclaimed happily.

"we're going to chilton?" rory and sara hugged their mom.

"oh my gosh! i can't believe this." sara ran her hands through her hair. sara had been dreaming of this moment for every day since she started high school. all those lonely nights in studying, all those days stressing over exams, it had all been worth it. she was going to chilton.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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