Part 9| ᴛʀɪᴘ!!

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I finished eating and also showered, I came out of the bathroom without anything on, not even a towel cause I forgot about it, and Tinn is at the living room, also I think I locked the doors so yeah I'm all naked, and to my surprise my thoughts were all wrong...


I shouted and went back to the bathroom

"Ai Gun...wait

Tinn knocking on the door

"Damn you, what the hell are you doing here?

"I brought you water and pills

"pills for what?

" your hot...


" Your hot, hot, like...your...uhh... Fever.... you have a fever.. I.. think...

"Why're you stuttering? And I'm not hot, I don't have any fever

" nothing.. uhh... Here... A towel cover yourself up and take the pill, I'll wait downstairs...

Tinn said, I opened the door a little just enough to fit Tinn's hand with a towel on it, and what the hell is he talking about, I don't have a fever and I don't feel hot....

"K thanks....

What the fudge of a dream was that, I still can't move on from my dream, Tiw and Por was there, even Phat, and he likes me?? Wth fvck my life, even my brother was there, wait should I visit him? Did something happen? Maybe that was a sign or something....

I hurriedly prepared myself up, and went down stairs, wait, oh sh!t the pill, eh nevermind...

"What happened to you???
"Hey, where are you going??? - Tinn

"I want to see my brother..

"Gun wait

Why's he so fast t-t
Tinn holding my wrist and said...

" I'll drive you there, wait a sec I'll change

"Tinn wait its fine, I can go there by myself...

"don't lie, your wallet is with Por

"Haa.... Err....My phone.. I have savings here, should be enough, bangkok to chiang mai...

"your phone has no battery, I forgot to charge it

Such a bad luck, oiii what'd I do in my past life to deserve this....

" I'll......walk....

"Are you nuts?

" huh?

"Your gonna walk for 137 hours? bangkok to chiang mai?, you don't have money what will you buy for water, for food, where will you stay for the night? If we go there via car it'll take 9hrs and 14mins, that's not so bad than 137hrs and walking

Ok smart ass,

"Is there any other way to get there? instead of 9hrs? like 3 or 2 is ok

"hmmm.. If we take a plane it's 1hr and 15mins, your call, plane or car?

"I want to take a plane and stay in a hotel for 5days, but first I need my wallet...

" you don't need it...


" I'll be your wallet

"Now your nuts
" I might be the reason you'll be poor, so take back you words

"I'm serious Gun, and if your staying for 5 days, where's your bag?

" right, I'll pack

"Pack mine too

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