Chapter 5: The Incomprehensible Truth

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Itsuka groaned in pain as she slowly regained consciousness.

"What was I doing?" Itsuka thought to herself as she tried to raise her head. "I was...with Midoriya then...I don't remember..."

Itsuka tried to rub her eyes, but suddenly realized she was securely tied down to a chair. As adrenaline flooded her system, Itsuka looked around frantically to figure out what had happened.

She was currently restrained to a chair in the middle of her apartment living room. All of the furniture had been haphazardly pushed against the walls to create a large open area that Itsuka currently was in the middle of. All of the lights in her apartment were turned off, and the window curtains had been completely closed to prevent anyone from looking in from the outside. It was unclear how much time had passed, but since there was no sunlight peeking around the edges of the curtains Itsuka assumed it was currently night. The room was shrouded in darkness, and Itsuka could barely make out her surroundings.

In the span of a few seconds, Itsuka analyzed the situation. The last thing she remembered before being knocked out was Midoriya saying something. Combine that with the fact he had clearly waited for her willingly let him into her home left only one possible answer.

He had tricked her.

The very first emotion Itsuka felt was sadness. She had genuinely liked Midoriya, or at least the persona he had created. The fact that it was all a lie made her feel ashamed and stupid for falling for his trick.

In a millisecond, that sadness was replaced by anger.

In fact, she wasn't just angry.

She was furious.

How dare he manipulate her feelings! He is scum! Filth of the highest degree!

Her new goal was to beat the ever living shit out of the bastard and make him regret being born. To do that, the first thing she needed to do was escape her restraints. An easy enough task, simply using her quirk to enlarge her hands would snap the ropes in an instant. With a snarl on her lips, Itsuka activated her quirk.

But nothing happened.

A feeling of dread forming in her stomach, Itsuka flexed her hands as she tried to activate her quirk.

But again, nothing happened.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Itsuka said to herself as she pulled and twisted against her restraints. "What happened to me?! What did he do to me?!"

The sound of footsteps slowly approached, and Itsuka looked up to see Midoriya emerge from the shadows with a puzzled look on his face.

"You shouldn't be awake." He said with obvious confusion.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?" Itsuka screamed in desperation. "HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!"

Midoriya's eye twitched in annoyance as Itsuka continued to scream for help. "Nobody is going to hear you. I made sure no sounds would escape this room. You could fire a shotgun in here and someone on the other side of your door wouldn't hear a thing."

Desperation and panic overriding her common sense, Itsuka continued to scream at the top of her lungs. After ten minutes of constant screaming, Itsuka could only wheeze softly. Her throat felt like it was on fire from the exertion, and all she could do was glare at the green-haired man casually standing in front of her.

"You done?" Midoriya said flatly.

"Fuck you." Itsuka spat. "What are you going to do to me? Torture me? Hold me for ransom? Who do you work for? A crime syndicate? Is the Paranormal Liberation Front back?"

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