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Charming, a town that wasn't so different from Tacoma. That was something Cassie realized over the last three weeks. The weather was much better, way hotter and less rain or wind, but that was it. The rest wasn't different at all. Charming wasn't much bigger than Tacoma nor had it much more stores. They did have a few more doctor offices and leisure activities for children though, which was good as Lily got  bored quickly now with Kayla back at work and James dealing with custody shit for Benny.

Their mother wasn't in the picture anymore. It was James who'd put a bullet right between her eyes when she didn't care a bit about Benny's well-being. All she wanted to know when James showed up was when her youngest son would be back so he could go back to his job and bring home money again. And honestly, Cassie couldn't blame James one bit for shooting her.

Of course, a part of her felt a pang in her chest the moment she heard the news about her mother's death. She was still her mother and before the woman left their father she was actually a pretty good mom. Cassie couldn't say, nor would she ever find out, what it was that changed the woman and she simply didn't care, yet a part of her still felt sad.

Luckily for her, she's had enough distractions for the last two weeks because of her new job as a nurse at St.Thomas. It wasn't easy getting the job as two other women were interested in working there too, but in the end the hospital management chose Cassie.

It felt good to work as nurse again. It was and always will be her dream job, no other job could hold a candle to this one. The few months she worked in a bar in Tacoma were draining and exhausting even though Cassie loved to party. The job just was no fun. But being a nurse, that was a great job.

She worked in the children's ward, which didn't bother her. In Tacoma, she had worked on the cardiology ward, and there were kids there too, so at least she had some experience. Basically, she didn't care as long as she could put a smile on people's faces, young or old.

Since Happy refused to take rent from her for living in his house, she would spend a lot of her money on Benny and spoil him a little since their mother never did and only used him for her own benefits. Oh, and of course, she'd also spoil her niece.

She was on her way to the clubhouse anyway. Her shift was over and James asked if she could pick up Lily from Gemma and take care of her until Kayla's shift was over. Her brother wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning and even though Cassie tried to avoid Kayla the best she could, she agreed to take care of Lily. She would survive seeing her sister in law a few times.

As she slipped out of her car and spotted Happy in the ring with the one recently introduced to her as Tig, she could hardly take her eyes off the shirtless Tacoma Killer. She had to get used to seeing him on a daily basis and living together again. Not that anything has changed, she loved being around him regularly again, it was about damn time, but something has changed. Every morning when she heard his raspy voice whispering  good morning, little girl into her ear she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach area. And not just there. It wasn't a secret how turned on she was by his attractiveness, they both couldn't keep their hands off each other. But it seemed like he got even more attractive in the past few months he hadn't visited her in Tacoma.

What was also new, they now shared a bed every night. At first they claimed it was just because they were too lazy to go back to their own room after sex. Secretly, however, they both enjoyed snuggling up against each other. It was now so far that Cassie couldn't fall asleep without Happy's presence anymore, which worried her sometimes.

They were friends with benefits, nothing more. Neither Happy nor her were the type for a relationship, it would only end in a shit show with lots of drama included.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now