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Grace nor Tatiana saw me go upstairs with anyone that night.
I was screwed. They talked about getting an abortion but I couldn't do that.
My mother was almost an abortion. Her mother almost made the decision, but thought this might be her last chance with a child. I wish my grandma was alive she'd know what to do. She'd understand.
When I got home my dad's car was parked.
Grace kept telling me I need a real doctor and need to tell my parents.
It was to soon. I couldn't face them.
"Mom? Dad?" I yell as I walk into the house.
"In the kitchen honey!" My mom says.
"So how was school?"
"Good. Boring. The usual. What about you guys? Dad what are you doing here?" I answered quickly.
"Well since it's almost the anniversary of -"
"Ya. We don't need to talk about that."
I demanded.
"Honey it's been almost a year. We think you need to see a therapist." My mom said.
"And your mother and I's divorce didn't help that situation either." My dad added.
"I'm fine guys really! So are you staying for dinner dad?" I asked quickly changing the subject.
"No but I wish I was, but Ann is making dinner back at home. I'll call you sometime this week okay?" He said and then giving me a goodbye kiss.

"So you hungry?" My mom asked.
"STARVING!" I said.
"Well dinner is ready in 5 set the table."

I ate half the lasagna for dinner. I was getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute. After dinner I run upstairs and do some research on teen pregnancy.
I had to find a way to hide it or just what the hell to to.
Half of them said tell an adult but I couldn't yet.

The next day at school my friends tried to help me re jog my memory on who I could of done it with.
"Maybe if you went back to Tegan's!" Grace said.
"Or like you smell a type of colon then maybe that could narrow it down." Tatiana added.
"GUYS! Let's just act like everything's good and this didn't happen!" I said.
"But it did!" Tatiana said.
"Yeah! You need help Kyra. Tell at least a grown up that can help." Grace said.
"In a few weeks your going to start to show." Explained Tatiana.
"Not being mean but you are." Grace whispered.
She was right I kept wearing all my lazy clothes because those are the only clothes that would fit.
"I know let me work this out!" I said walking away from them.

"Kyra!" I heard someone yell I turn around and see Calum.
"Hey Calum what's up?"
"You know Mary, right?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"I'm trying to make her my official girlfriend but I think she has a thing for Luke. So could you help me out and try to get Luke to like you to at least let her like me?"
"Uhh I don't know.." I said.
"I know you and Luke have a rough relationship but you would really be doing me a solid!" Calum begged.
"Ok.. But what can I do?"
"Just hang with him at lunch and talk to Mary about me and how much you like Luke or some shit!"
"This is a terrible plan." I said.
"Alright! I'll do it."

When lunch rolled around, I was glad Calum wanted me to do something for him so then I wouldn't have to talk to my friends about the...baby thing.

I saw where Luke was sitting and sat near him.
"Kyr? What you doing?" Luke asked.
"Sitting?" I said.
Getting out my lunch.
"WOOH! That's a big ass lunch! You have the munchies or some shit." Luke asked sitting down next to me.
I laughed a bit. "No just hungry today." I said.
"I'm not being rude but your lookin curvier the last couple of weeks,Irwin? What ya doin?" Dave comments from behind.
"Dude what the hell is wrong with you?" Luke snapped.
"What? I'm just sayin Kyra is getting some curves not to mention tits!" Dave said.

That's when I walked off and walked cross the lot to eat in the shade. Where it was isolated.
Luke was right behind me.
"Why are you following me Luke?"
"Dave is an asshole! Sorry he said that!"
"Kay you can leave now?" I said.
"I don't wanna." He said.
We were silent.
"How you feelin?" He asked.
"Oh other than the fact your friend hit on me... Umm great thanks! How about you?" I said sarcastically
Luke kept fiddling with his hands.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"Kyr... I saw you at Tegan's party."
I paused ok try to stay cool
"Ya and?"
"You went...and..." He stuttered.
"Had a beer ya? Hemmings you know this?" I said.
"No Kyra. Not in the woods. I saw you in the house going upstairs with..."
"Wait you had sex with me!" I shouted.
"Did you see me go upstairs with someone?" I asked.
"Ya." He said hesitantly
"Do you know him?"
"Luke tell me who!"
I'm gonna end it there! You're welcome! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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