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Ryan wiped down the bar as the last few patrons filtered out of the club, their laughter and chatter fading into the night. It had been a busy evening, but he felt energized rather than drained. Working at a gay bar was more than just a job for him; it was a chance to connect with people who understood him in a way that his conservative family never could.

As he tidied up, Ryan noticed a new face at one of the tables. The man was tall and lean, with tousled blond hair and a mischievous glint in his eye. He wore a snug tank top and low-slung jeans, and Ryan couldn't help but appreciate the view as he walked over.

"Hey there, what can I get you?" Ryan asked, flashing his best smile.

The man grinned and leaned in closer. "You, if you're on the menu," he said, his voice low and husky.

Ryan felt his cheeks flush as he laughed. "Sorry, not on tonight's specials. But I can make you a killer drink."

"Okay, how about a Long Island iced tea, extra strong?" the man said, still grinning.

Ryan nodded and got to work, mixing the drink with practiced ease. As he poured the last splash of Coke into the glass, he realized that the man had moved closer to him, his hand resting lightly on Ryan's hip.

"Thanks, handsome," the man said, taking a long sip. "I'm Alex, by the way."

"Ryan," he replied, trying not to let his nerves show. There was something about Alex's confidence that made him feel simultaneously excited and intimidated.

"So, Ryan," Alex said, running a finger along the rim of his glass. "What do you do when you're not slinging drinks?"

Ryan shrugged. "Not much, really. I like to read, and I have a pretty boring day job at an insurance company."

Alex tilted his head. "Boring, huh? Well, I don't do anything quite that dull. I'm a stripper."

Ryan's eyebrows shot up. He had never dated anyone in the sex industry before, but he didn't want to judge. "That sounds... interesting," he said, trying to keep his tone neutral.

"It definitely has its perks," Alex said, winking. "But it's not exactly glamorous. I'm just trying to save up enough to go back to school and do something more meaningful with my life."

Ryan felt a pang of empathy. He knew what it was like to feel stuck in a dead-end job, but he also sensed a spark of ambition in Alex that he found inspiring.

"Well, I hope you get there," Ryan said, smiling. "And in the meantime, let me know if you need a drink refill."

Alex grinned and lifted his glass in salute. "Will do, bartender. I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you."

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