Before we start I'm so sorry this isn't I'm season but enjoy :)
It was Christmas eve and your were putting your son to bed,
"Right s/n it's Tim to go to bed and when you wake up in the morning santana would have been and dropped all the things you wanted off under the tree""But I..."
"Shhh it's time for bed" you said giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"Night mummy"
"Night sweetie" you said as you carefully closed the door. You headed downstairs to see your husband wrapping gifts.
"Hey want any help?" You asked looking at him.
"No just clear off" he snapped back "i don't need your help"
You ran off.In the morning you woke up to the sound of your son saying
"Mummy Santa's been, Santa's been!"
"Okay mummy's now coming"As you headed downstairs you son was already opening his gifts. When he finished he asked
"Where's daddy?"
"He is just on a little trip" you said starting to tear up."Mummy the only thing I wanted for Christmas this year was for you to find true love"
You sat him on your lap and said
"Mummy will some day just it's not the right time rn"