birth of the calamity twins

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We see the battle of some individuals the first herrscher welt Joyce and second herrscher sirin for humanity survival and destruction

Welt: STOP THIS SIRIN *dodging her attack*

sirin: WHY SHOULD I THEY ONLY BRING PAIN AND SUFFERING *send a barrage of spike and shot*

Welt: grrr FU NA DO IT NOW

fu na(mom): I GOT IT *binding her and sirin*

Sirin: do you really think this bind could keep me still HAHAHAHAHAH *send a massive amount of hate and honkai energy out*

Fu na(mom): *cough out blood* n..n..o m..must ...k...keep *slowly losing the bind*

Welt: *send his ultimate at sirin*

Sirin: AHHHH *get blast and knock away*

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Sirin: AHHHH *get blast and knock away*

Fu na(mom): *coughing blood and kneeling down* h..h... *Panting hard*

Suddenly something pulsing inside her

Fu na(mom): h..huh

Welt: FU NA ARE YOU OK *rush to her and hold her*

Fu na(mom): I..I'm f..fine b..but s.. something pulsing I.. inside me

Welt: let me scan you *summon his robot arm and scan her*

Fu na(mom): *feel sick all the sudden*

Welt: ...... Fu na are you in a relationship with someone?

Fu na(mom): no I'm not why do you ask *get her energy back*

Welt: well.... Your pregnant right now...

Fu na(mom):....WHAT!?!?!

sirin: *Warp back* DIE *send a barrage attack of meteorite*

Welt: !!!! *Summon a shield around them*

Fu na: *come back to her sense and stand up*

Welt: you are not fighting her let me do it alone

Fu na(mom): don't worry I have a spell that make sure she gone or at least sealed her away

Welt: !!! You have that kind of spell and you didn't use it

Fu na(mom): hey I don't think she would be this strong for me to use it

Welt: what the requirements of the spell

Fu na(mom): I have all the requirements I just needed time to prepare the spell

Welt: *holding the shield* how much

Fu ha: 2 minute minimum *prepare the spell*

Welt: ok then *throw sirin away and distract her*

Sirin: *still fighting welt not paying attention to fu na*

Fu na: *drop a blood of Siegfried Kaslana* I'M DONE WELT KEEP HER STILL *running to the battlefield*

Welt: ABOUT TIME "FROST BIND" *binding sirin in ice*

Sirin: I TOLD YOU BEFORE BINDING ME WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING *about to break out but stop*

Fu na: *throw the potion at sirin and hit her* YOUR DONE NOW KEEP HER BIND WELT

welt: I KNOW *keep binding her*

Sirin: N...NOOOOOOOOO *get sealed into a little kid*

Welt: *de bind the little kid and pick her up*

Fu na: *panting and trying not to puke*

Welt: let get you two to the hospital and rest *leave to a hospital*

Fu na: yeah your right *follow welt*

Welt: so you going to keep the baby?

Fu na: *put her hand on the belly* I don't know but I some how want to keep them

Welt: congratulations then also good luck on raising baby

Fu na: yeah yeah

After the check up they go home while welt go to Siegfried house and give him kaina, time skip to 9 month later*

Fu na(mom): I know welt I'm in the hospital right now don't worry *speak to the phone*

Welt: ok then I'm just making sure you alright your my cousin after all

Fu na: yeah yeah now let me b.... My water broke...


After the twin birth

Fu na: *panting hard while holding the twin*

Doctor: so what are you going to name them ms shangu

Fu na: .... Izuku and fu hua, izuku shangu and fu hua shangu

Doctor: ok ms you need to stay here for a few weeks and you can get back to your home

Welt: *rush in accidently make the twin cry*....

Doctor: who are you sir... *Feel deadly aura*

Welt: *sweating hard*

Fu na: *glowing red eyes while glaring at welt* ... don't... ..... Cry .... *Send welt to the wall*..... *Calm down and trying her best to calm the twin down*

Welt: *get knock out and suck in the wall*

Izuku: *stop crying and look at fu na with golden eyes and emitting massive amount of honkai energy*

Fu hua: *look at fu na with red eyes and emitting nearly the same amount of honkai energy as izuku but weaker*

Fu na: *get suprise by this and active her eyes and see what the twins capable of*.... *Smile and hug them tightly* my babies sure is strong

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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