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I had woken up with really bad cramps. I then sat up and look next to me to see Chris still sleeping. Then another cramp had came. I then lifted the blanket to go to the bathroom.

When I looked down I seen a blood stain. I then quickly got up. I then started to freak out. Was Chris going to be mad at me? I thought I then shook Chris awake.

" Mmm "

Chris had mumbled

" umm.. I.. started my period and some got onto your sheets "

Chris then sat up rubbing his eyes

" it's fine I'll change the sheets. You go get and bath and do whatever you need to do for your period "

He had said getting up stretching then grabbing clothes for me.

" but- "

" no buts, go "

He said to me as he handed me the clothes then me and him walked out of the room. I headed to the bathroom as he went to the hall closet to grab new sheets.

After I got done in the bathroom. I walked into Chris's room and he was laying on the bed on his phone. He then looked over to the door and seen me. He then turned off his phone setting it on his table and opened his arms.

I then walked over to him climbing into bed and cuddling into his arms. Chris then grabbed his remote turning on the TV and put on ( whatever show/movie ). We then cuddled and watched TV all day.

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