will you?

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" y/n get up were going to the beach "

Chris had shook me waking me up.

" why? "

I said mumbling.

" why not it's warm outside and there's nothing else to do "

" alright "

I said getting up grabbing my bathing suit. I then walked to the bathroom to put it on and threw a shirt and shorts on over them.

I then walked out and Chris was sitting on the bed. He had then looked up and smiled.

" you ready to go "

" yeah let me just grab my phone real quick "

I then grabbed my phone off the charger and walked downstairs to see Nick and Matt downstairs waiting.

" you lovebirds ready to go "

Nick had said he heard us coming down the stairs.

" yeah "

" alright let's go "

Matt had said grabbing his keys and walked out the door and we followed closely behind.

Once we got to the beach we got out of the van. We then sat our stuff down and taking our clothes off that was cover our bathing suits. I was about to walk off when Chris stopped me.

" y/n can I speak to you real quick "

" sure "

He then grabbed my hand and started walking off. Chris had seemed nervous. After a mintues we stopped walking he then turned to me.

" this might sound a bit cheesy, but y/n for the past two and half years you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Seeing you everyday has made me more happy everyday. Your smile, laugh, everything about reminds me of this one thing I've always wanted to do"
( dont judge me idk how proposals work )

Once he got done saying that he pulled a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee and opening the box.

" y/m y/l/n. Will you marry me? "

My eyes started to water.

" yes "

I said as he stood up and kissed me. Once we got down kissing he then slid the ring on my finger. Nick and Matt then ran over.

" Chris Fanially "

Nick had shouted

" what do you mean fanially "

I had asked confused

" it took him 2 weeks to propose to you "

Matt said laughing

" snitch "

Chris said. We all then laughed
Can you guys tell some story ideas

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