Ahsoka's post meditative routine

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Leia's ship touched down in the fields near the structure she'd seen on approach, and if her training with Luke was paying off, she also sensed the presence of the individual she was here to find. Her father's apprentice.

A Jedi who had disappeared before the rise of the Empire, who was thought to be dead until Luke met her on Yavin 4. Leia had been so integral in the forming of the new republic that she had missed the chance to meet this person, having some business on Dantooine that had her gone before Leia returned. 

But Leia had questions, questions that only this individual could answer. Question about her mother, about the republic and the clone wars, and questions about her father before he became the monster that was Darth Vader.

As she got up to exit the vessel, she was followed by her faithful protocol droid C3PO, but she instructed him to wait on the ship. She wasn't sure about this apprentice character, whoever trained under Darth Vader was surely dangerous. But Luke seemed to trust her, so Leia would hear her out first.

As she approached the old temple, she saw it was a circular building with many cylindrical rooms connected to the main building. There were degraded stone steps leading up to the temple, riddled with cracks and covered in moss, but despite the looks of the temple Leia could feel the force in abundance here. It was like the temple itself was alive, and in the front chamber was her…

Leia took a deep breath and calmed herself, taking a quick look at her outfit to make sure she looked professional. She was wearing her hair up in a ponytail, and had her minimal amount of makeup on. She wore a cream colored long sleeve dress that hugged her form but covered everything, so her plump butt and sizable bust weren't on display, but she still looked good. Around her waist was her combat belt, holstering her blaster and her lightsaber.

Confident she looked good, but also regal to an extent, Leia walked into the main chamber of the temple, a large cylindrical room that was about 60 feet tall, and 100 feet wide. In the center of the room was a short and stout pedestal, and an orange woman floating above it.

Leia’s eyes widened as she saw the floating Togruta woman, who was completely naked and sporting a large erection. She was a curvy woman with burnt orange skin, large but firm breasts capped with white nipples. Her hips were wide and her thighs were thick, her large ass cheeks visible as she levitated off the pedestal. Despite her hourglass shape, she still had a lean and athletic air about her, with slim but muscular arms, and a tight toned tummy sporting a six pack of abs. 

Atop her head was a large blue and white Montral ending in three long hanging lekku, her face framed with white markings on her cheeks and brow. But the most noticeable thing about her was the 15 inch cock standing straight up from her lap and almost as thick as Leia’s forearm, her crossed legs cradling her fat balls covered in white markings. As she breathed deeply her breasts rose and fell hypnotically, her cock twitching and pulsing as pre cum leaked from the dark blue tip. 

Leia blushed hard as she cleared her throat as she tried to compose herself, the Togruta woman finally stirring as she floated back down to the floor. She opened her stunning blue eyes and met Leia’s gaze. “Hello, you must be Luke’s sister.” She stood up and reached to shake Leia’s hand, which she reluctantly accepted. “I’m Ahsoka Tano. Luke sent me a message that I could expect your arrival, my apologies for my state of undress, I thought I had a little more time before you arrived. Come let’s continue our talk in the council room” 

She turned and walked to a door, Leia’s eyes watching the enticing sway of her hips and butt before she followed, staying slightly behind Ahsoka to watch her lovely backside. “I uh… I’m Leia, why are you naked? If you don’t mind me asking.” She said nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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