2• Angelic Little Brother •2

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  "You're Highness, the Queen is currently at the stage where she can give birth any day now. That is the reason why she didn't have time to visit you. Please understand."

  Ace started reporting to him about all the happenings on the Kingdom just like he always did. It was as if the baby he was reporting to could actually understand what he was saying.
  Although he was well aware that Rei couldn't understand him, he still adamantly reported in full detail. And of course, Rei did not have any plan on stopping him, not that he can anyway.

  Ace was his source of information in this place and was also the reason how he figured out the world he was in.

  He was also the reason why Rei was still alive and wasn't yet killed by an assassin.
  Honestly, this trustworthy butler of his was more of a guardian angel for Rei than a butler.

  And as a former teenage girl living in the modern world that loves animes, manga/manhwa/manhua, and novels, he admits that he was biased towards Ace because he was a cool butler.

  Rei was an ultimately simp over butler and elven characters.

  "Would you want me to take you out on the garden, You're Highness?"

  Ace, noticing that Rei had finished drinking milk, asked. Hearing this, Rei's eyes li up brightly with excitement.

  The garden, although it was still part of his palace,  was the only place he could consider as "outside" right now.
  Because going outside the Royal Palace is forbidden until he was at the right age, which was Ten.

  "Eyyya! Carry me budler gramp."

  Honestly, his pronunciation still embarrassed him as he still sometimes can't properly pronounce some letters. That was why he preferred staying silent and observing innocently.
  After all, no one would suspect a two years old to be secretly and silently observing. But sometimes talking was unavoidable.
  Well he really couldn't do anything about it right now, because he was still a growing baby. It was also better to grow normally as to not be branded as a genius.

  It'll be a huge headache if that actually happened.

  Ace let out a small chuckle at the Prince's expression. Thinking that the little baby was only excited at being carried, not knowing that Rei was only forced to do this because he was absolutely bored out of his mind being cooped up in his room.

  Carefully picking the child up, he skillfully adjusted the baby to a more comfortable position. Making sure that he was safe and comfy before leaving the room and going to the Greenhouse-style garden that was specially built for the Prince's Palace.
  The place was filled with different kind of flowers, as well as precious and rare medicinal herbs. It was enclosed with thick but transparent glass that served as protection as well.
  Aside from that, the place was also rich in Spiritual Energy as well as Mana, which are needed for the miraculous herbs to grow.

  There was a circular table with five chairs in the middle of the garden, specially placed there for convenience.
  Ace placed him down the moment they entered the garden, only assisting him slightly by the side to make sure that he wouldn't fall but still letting him practice more on walking.
  And when he got tired, Ace would immediately carry him again and they would rest at the provided chairs. Eating sweet snacks and drinking milk.

  The butler and the Prince spent their days touring and staying inside the garden most of the time. With Ace carefully explaining and describing the herbs and flowers to Rei, and Rei listening attentively to Ace's lecture.
  The days passed by quickly until the awaited day of her mother giving birth arrived.

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