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TW: blood and injury and small bits of cussing

He ran through the rigid branches and the tall trees. The figment of horror was still prowling after him, And it wasn't planning on stopping until it caught him. His breaths grew narrowed and his heart stilled.

"This can't be happening -" he stuttered out a groan, a sharp branch scarring his skin, staining it red. He stumbled, recovering quickly.

"Shit-" he muttered under his labored breathing, he gripped his side, cringing at the warm liquid quickly pooling onto his hand. The thing is still after him, he reminded himself, staggering to keep running.

He clasped for any branch within his reach. He could hear the beast's breathing, low growls, and moans erupting in the dark, dense, brush of the forest.

His breath became short, the panic sinking into his bones, and his throat seemed to cave in. His heart beat wildly in his chest. His vision began to fog with tears. His cheek became slick with the salty substance and he struggled to catch himself, tripping over a rock.

He began to cower, giving up. I'm going to die here. He thought

"Hiss" the monster groaned with an arrow shot into its left shoulder.

" Are you ok?" a subtle male voice came from behind him. He turned to look where the voice was coming from.

It was a young male with messy faded cyan hair, blue eyes, and a scar on his left cheek going up to his left eye. With a bow and arrow to his side while wearing fingerless gloves. As well as a dirty, messy even jacket with a ruined white t-shirt underneath, and dirty navy blue jeans.

His breathing slowed. " One- one second" he replied trying to calm himself down.

The cyan-haired boy walked up to him." Do you think you can walk?" the male asked with an open hand.

" Yeah, I think I can walk '' as he took the other male's hand. The male helped him up and let him lean on his shoulder.  He's a little bit shorter than he looks, he thought.

" Can you lift your shirt for me?" the male asked as he gazed up at me.

"Excuse me?" he answered.

" I need to see how bad the wound is, I'm Scott by the way," Scott answered.

" Sure, I'm Jimmy," Then he lifted the red stand shirt to show the slightly opened wound.

"This looks bad, we need to get this fixed up soon or it will get infected,"  Scott said a bit worried. As he pulls his shirt down.

They walk for a while out of the wooden area until an abandoned hospital appears in the distance.

As they approach the abandoned hospital Scott beings to hit the bordered-up door "Open up it's Scott" he yells

 A blackish-brown-haired girl with a crochet mushroom bandana on her head opened the door. "Oh my god, Scott," they said.

" I'm sorry but he was stranded and almost died. Please Shubble just let him get fixed up." Scott begged.

That's a bit exaggerated but if it gets my injury fixed I don't care. He thought to himself

They rolled their eyes. " Come in," she responded.

They did as they were told and walked into the abandoned hospital.

Note// sooo I started a new story but the updates will be slower than the others story I made/making but if u want more information about what this is about please ask :) Thanks

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