The hiders

55 4 1

Tw: blood, and injury

As they walked into the abandoned, beaten-down hospital Jimmy saw a few people. A girl with pale skin, and bright pink hair with flowers in it.

Another girl with black hair put up into a high ponytail. Also a guy with a nice mustache.' I'm gonna have to tell him he had a nice mustache later' Jimmy noted.

" Katherine!" Shubble yells out.

A girl walked up to us with a high ponytail and a flower on her right ear. A kind worn-out flower dress with black leggings underneath." I'm right here, what do you need?" she said.

" Oh, my bad, Scott brought another boy in" Shubble grumbled.

Scott was about to speak up when Katherine stopped him. "Oh god, you need to help like right now. Scott bring him to an empty room. I'll go fetch Stress."

Scott walks Jimmy to a room and sits him down on a hospital mattress. Then sits in a chair next to him. Jimmy looked down at his shirt as blood began to seep through rapidly.

Jimmy looked up at Scott uneasily. " Um Scott," he turned to look at Jimmy. Then his eyes widened. He got from his spot next to Jimmy in a hurry.

" Stress, I'm gonna need you to hurry up!" Scott yelled into the hallway. Then he started pacing back and forth nervously.

A thud came from behind Scott. He spun around to see Jimmy passed out on the hospital bed. "Shit" he whispered.

He ran up to Jimmy to check if he was still breathing. Then Stress and Katherine walked in. " Why are you rushing me Scott I was busy" Then Stress was cut short to see Jimmy pass out. And Scott next to him checking his pulse.

" Katherine, you get some bandages and some surgical tools, and Scott take his shirt off now," Stress told them in a hurry while putting on some gloves that were nearby.

" Okay, he should be awake soon so try not to bother him too much," Stress said while cleaning her hands. " And when he does, he'll need to drink some water"

Katherine walks up to Scott. " Did you get his name?" she asked.

"Jimmy, his name is Jimmy," Scott replied, still looking down at him.

Katherine starts to turn around to look at Stress. "Stress and I will leave you two, come on Stress let's go," Katherine said.

-A few hours later-

"Ah, where am I?" Jimmy groaned. He slid up a bit but was stopped by something heavy on his legs. He looks down and sees Scott sleeping.

Oh, that a right I'm in a hospital room.

He taps Scott on the shoulder, "Hey Scott?"
Scott opens his eyes a little. "Yea?" he muttered softly.

"Your kind of laying on my legs and I want to scoot up". He answered.

Scott got up quicker than the eye could blink. " Shit, I'm so sorry I just got really tired, and it was late." Scott stumbled over his words.

Jimmy put up his hand "It's ok Scott I understand," Then adjusted himself in the bed to feel more comfortable.

"Ah," he moans in pain.

" Stress said not to move a lot, it causes more pain. But she did say you need to drink some water," he spoke while getting up for his spot to obtain some water from a nearly beat-down mini fridge.

"Who?" Jimmy questioned.

" Oh right, you have no clue who that is. She is the one who fixed up your wounds" Scott answered while passing over the water bottle to him. And seated next to him.

Scott sat up a bit, to get close to him. " So, how did you end up in the woods?" Scott raised a question.

Jimmy placed the water down next to him, "I went looking for my sister because she ran out of our bunker, and when I didn't find her. I went back to our place, and" Jimmy trailed off.

As he walked up to the bunker and tried to open but it was already unlocked. But he was sure they locked it behind him. Right? "No, please this can't be happening" Jimmy begged and pleaded that his parents are okay. He opened the unlocked hinge.

"Mom, Dad?" Jimmy called out. But it was too late. Once he turned the corner there lay both of his parents, deceased and decomposing on the ground. Blood was all over the wall and ground. He backs up slowly feeling salty tears run down his cheek. " Why, why, why, why. Why couldn't you just stay in the bunker?" he cried out.

" And then I ran out sobbing etc. Then that's when I ran, well you ran into me and now we're here" Jimmy replied. Even though rethinking it makes his stomach twist.

" I'm so sorry," Scott said lightly.

Jimmy turned to Scott" It's ok, I'm ok now and alive" Jimmy said.

Scott looked up at Jimmy." Even if your alive you went through something traumatic, and you should re-evaluate on how that makes you feel," And got from his spot then began to walk to the door.

" Scott wait," Jimmy called out. He stopped but didn't look back.

He looked down at his lap "Just out of curiosity, how long was I asleep for?"

" About 6 hours, " Scott answered. Then started to head out the door.

Scott stood by the door. " I'm going to go get some food. Want some?"

"sure" he replied.

Then the door shut lightly.

He sat there, re-thinking everything he just said. What did he say wrong? He just said he is alive and well. Is he, not? " I don't want to think about this anymore," Then he laid back down.

Scott came back and placed the food on the table by him looked at him. " Why? Why every time we lose someone, we gain another?" He whispers under his breathe. Then walked away.

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