Chapter 1 - The Reason

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Chapter 1 - The Reason.

????'s P.O.V

I was running from two beowolves when I realized I ran into a dead end.

"You gotta be kidding me.."

The two Grimm slowly walk up to me as I have my back against the wall.

Now you may be thinking, why am I being chased by two Grimm? Simple, my negativity is off the charts. I've basically been depressed for these past months..

I look at my hand, as I see the ring my brother had given me before he went on a mission...only to be found dead.

"Guess I'll see you soon.." I say as a tear falls down on the ring.

The beowolves rush at me, but then the ring starts to glow bright blue?

"What th-" It blinds me and the Grimm, and when my vision returns to me...

I see him.

"Hey bro." And then the last thing I saw before fainting was a bolt of lightning.


???'s P.O.V

I casually put a bullet into someone's arm, as I walked up to them.

"So, you're the guy they sent me to throw into jail? And look at that, no aura either..?" The guy got up and kicked me in the face, as I grin and shoot his leg.


"Now as a bonus question, if you win, I'll let you go, and pretend this never happened...but if you want to be a jerk about it, then I'll make sure you'll be a woman by the time I'm done here."


"Now tell me." I say as I turn my gun into sword form, and aim it at his privates.

"Who is Roman Torchwick, and who's he working for?"


??'s P.O.V

I was listening to music on my scroll, while lying down in bed. Thinking about how the huntresses/huntsmen do their job so well...and how much I want to be one, when I heard glass shatter in the kitchen.

"..Mom? Dad?" I say out loud.

I get no response as I quickly take off my headphones and get out of bed, heading to the kitchen.

Before I made it there...I saw an Ursa Major.

"Oh crap."

The Ursa roared at me as I run to a closet after losing it. I feel like I'm touching I turn around to see...

My parents' dead bodies.

I scream as I run out of the closet, and run out of the house, as the grimm chase me into the nearby cave.

I-I'm going to die here...

Who says you're going to die here? As long as you pick me up, you will be saved, as long as you give these grimm a proper nightmare, I shall be satisfied.

I hear this voice...something grimm nightmares? Then I could see a sword with an eye on it. It gives me the creeps, but I grab at it, and stare down at the grimm.

"Now, how about I show you your worst fears?"


? P.O.V

Running. I've been running for so long. I can't even remember what my parents looked like anymore since that day..


"Mom! Come see what I can do!" A girl was playing around as her Mom picked her up.

"What is it, sweetie?"

"I don't know, but its cool!"

"What do you mean?"

"I used it on Dad, and he turned invisible!"

"...C-Can you turn him back?"


The mom was horrified as she dropped the child and ran out the house, scarred for life, but before she could get out the door, the kid was right there.

"Here, maybe if I turn you invisible too, you could find Dad!" A white aura appeared as it waved over the mom, but it didn't make her invisible.

It made her non-existent.

End Flashback

So it's why I ran, shortly after...that, I found out what my power really was.

I see a cop being attacked by two people, so I ran up and punched one, knocking them out.

However, the other guy kicked me in the gut, as he threw me at the cop.

"Heh, just wait until boss sees this kid, she's a beaut."

I look at him with rage in my eyes, as I could feel myself losing control.

Uh oh.

The white aura appeared again, as it waved over the two criminals, erasing them.

Two atlus soldiers were watching it happen, and they immediately went to arrest me.

"S-stop right there! Your under arrest!"

"But I just saved this person from dying!" I yell as I start to run again.

The ability to erase people from existence, it sounds crazy but it's true. I don't know why I got this power, but I will honor my parents by helping ones in need. I will control my power, and get justice for others who can't.

Which is why I'll start in Vale, seems like a nice and comfy place to find a new home..

End of Chapter 1

This is my first time writing a RWBY fic, please don't bully me D:

(words: 777 :D)

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