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{super short filler because its gonna be a couple days (most likely) before another full chapter is released, bcuz im planning on making it pretty long}


It was much too early to go to sleep, the sun not yet setting, the clock only reading 3:00 pm. I was more exhausted than I'd been in a long time though.

When I gained the energy to sit myself up, I did, a confused sound leaving Serj's lips. We'd been laying together, comfortable, on the line between sleeping and being awake for almost 20 minutes.

I laid on Serj's chest, different from my previous position of being in his arms. I examined my still nude body, which was littered in bite marks and bruises, all of Serj's doing. I didn't know how to feel about that, my mind still in a daze, remembering everything as almost a dream. That's what it felt like, one of those dreams that are so good that you know they aren't real.

"You okay?" Serj asked.

I lightly laughed at the question. "Yeah, why?"

"Just checking in since we, uh..."

"Yeah, I'm good," I assured him. "More than good, actually. I promise."

The room was dark, curtains closed, none of the light sources of the room on. It was quiet and comforting, the sound of the city the only thing that could be heard besides our soft breathing.

"I really do like you, y'know." Serj shifted, almost nervously.

Despite our confessions from days past, our feelings being known, those words still hit me full force, my breath being taken as it did with anything Serj did.

"Good, 'cause, uh... I really like you too." I responded, my voice quiet and timid. It felt surreal to say anything like that.

I was laying on my side, exhausted but still somehow awake, tiredly looking at Serj. He mindlessly played with his hair and and mimicked my position, lying on his side and facing me.

I scooted closer, our legs tangled together. Serj securely wrapped an arm around me, my face pressed up against his chest.

I subconsciously tried pressing closer to him, wanting as much warmth as I could get, feeling safe and comfortable in his arms, never wanting to leave the position we lied in. It was perfect.

The two of us eventually freshened up again, and while Serj was temporarily in the bathroom I called Daron and apologized for earlier, explaining bits and pieces of the situation.

As careless as Daron seemed, he knew. It was clear that he could tell by the way I looked at Serj that I was more than fond of him. Although Daron was at times childish and almost always under the influence of some sort of substance, he was smart enough.

"It's about time you did something about that." he lightly laughed. I could almost see his snarky face through the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't even know how long he's gonna be interested in me. Who knows, this could just be a small phase he's going through." I always found some way to discredit myself.

Daron groaned over the phone. "Psh, yeah right. He's always ogling you. Also, just a heads up, he digs when you wear that one red 'nd black top, the strapless one."

I had no idea how he knew that, letting out an embarrassed laugh. However, despite trying to just brush it off, I took a mental note.

"Alright, well, I guess I'd better let you two get back at it."

pretty when you cry ☆ {serj tankian}Where stories live. Discover now