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Brock Blackfur
The City of Arcadia
The Arcas Pack House

Finally in bed, I find myself checking my phone for the third time since I had a missed call from mum hours ago.
"It was probably a butt dial".
I called her back but she never returned it. Knowing mum it was just a check in, she worries about us too much and I know she still carries the guilt of what our sperm donor did. No matter how many times I've told her not to.
I just can't shake this feeling I have, like something is wrong. There's this pain.. an aching in my gut, a heaviness on my chest as if I've run full force into a brick wall. I've tried contacting Blake too but with no reply, I assume he's either working out in the gym or doing some other kind of workout with Silas.

If it were important she'd have called you back
At least that's what I tell myself. She's with Blake, they don't have the best relationship, but I know he loves her and he'd never let harm come to her; we both know that without mum, our childhood would've been so much worse.
Mums ok.
Like a mantra. But this feeling is undeniable. If it's not mum, then that means it's Meredith.. My guts twist. I feel myself ready to tread the guilty path I so often frequent.
No. I can't.
I have people waiting for me on another road. A wife and daughter that need me. There's no more time for the self loathing and regret that I've wasted so many years doing.
My family need me to be strong
And WE will be.

At least for the moment, I know that Theia is ok. I sense her deep sleep, safely back in her room; now under the protection of one of my most trusted W5's, Damon.

I'm determined to do better. I can't and won't let myself play with the demons I've become so comfortable with over my lifetime. I'm an adult. A husband and a father, fuck the throne and the crown; I won't let the backstabbing and corruption in the Valley do anymore damage to my family than it already has.
I should've been able to smell Theia from the moment of conception; just like Serena could that fateful day.
"You think I can't smell it on her?!" - plays on repeat from the darkest corners of my memory. It was the smell of my pup that had pushed Serena over the edge. Her obsession with me and the manipulative bastards at Court practically handed her the knife that almost killed my wife and unborn child.
An obsession created by two people.
Theodore 'Teddy' Beech and Bane Blackfur.
Two names that have been fixed on my kill list for far too long.

There's no way I'm sleeping now.
I throw on something comfortable and head to the office Myo has given me for the duration of my stay. The room is lit only by the full moon beaming in through the tall windows, it's cloudy but the light gleams long enough for me to send a heartfelt plea to any and all of the Gods.
Please Meredith, talk to me
My chest tightens so, I dare to pull at the connection between us. It's the one thing that I know remains intact - it keeps us bound spiritually and emotionally.
It juts. Sparking, like stone against stone.

I wait but nothing comes. Sinking into the nearest chair, defeat threatens to consume me. Its burning claws rake across my chest, hooking into my ribs almost pulling me under..
"There's far too much sadness in here!"
"Fuck me!" Touching my chest.. Fuck, still beating. Just a little fast.
"You're cute but, no thanks" waving her hand the ceiling lights flick to a warm glow. My eyes quickly adjust and focus on the smiling intruder.
"Every time I see you you're so glum!" her warm hands cradle my face, the lilac of her eyes twinkle with joy as her bright smile stretches even further across her face "You should call on me more often Brock, you need some happiness in your life!" gently slapping my cheek River twirls, sending her tulle skirt sweeping around her thighs.
*Grumbling* "How can someone be so happy all the time?"

Dropping cheerily into an egg chair, River crosses one leg over the other playfully bouncing the long appendage up and down. Her toes are painted the same plum hue as her intricately braided hair. Everything about her is joyful, confident and screams youth; though I know her age is significantly older than my own.
"Well? Aren't you going to say hello?"
*Clearing my throat* "Hi"
Her voice drops to mimic me "Hi" then she stands "I thought royalty were supposed to have better manners!" she shoves me playfully, wrapping both of her arms around one of mine "I'm just messing with you! SO, where's Axel? His text said to come as soon as possible!" River stands straight and salutes me, which of course looks ridiculous considering she looks like she just came out of one of those anime porno's Axel watches.

River shrieks as the door snaps and skids several feet across the floor towards us, my half dressed Beta shakes on the otherside..
I guess I owe Myo a door
"Wow and I thought I could make an entrance!" she giggles, shoulder bumping me then going silent as she locks eyes with Axel..
*Facepalm* "You've got to be fucking with me"
Hitching my hip on the table I cross my arms and watch the chaos.
Axel tries to catch her; and River uses every magical trick in the book to rile him up, until he finally gets the jump on her.

"Ok ok you got me!" River smiles turning her attention to Axel and I do my best to block out the sounds and smells of two newfound mates.
Looking up to the moon mournfully, I watch the dark clouds swiftly pass across her luminous face. I try once more. Begging the Goddess.
Brock: Lumia?
But nothing. Expelling all of the disappointment against the window, I begin to turn when
Meredith: B-Bear
Instant pleasure. Every nerve zings and zaps. My body hums, fingers and toes curl. I sputter, unsure of what to do. Quickly realizing that I'm not just mindlinking, but I'm talking. Out loud.

Brock: Mer?! Can you hear me?
She hesitates
Meredith: Prove its you
I think for a moment.. then push one of the many memories only we have into her mind. We smile in unison, words between us fall silent but the connection stays intact. Strong, hot and deliciously overwhelming. It's like I can feel her here with me, her physical presence along with her soul. It makes my arms instinctively reach out, grasping nothing but air.
Brock: I'm coming to get you baby
Her worry floods through the link, as her mind flicks through all of the warnings she's had drummed into her. I'm watching a rapid montage of the last fifteen years of her life; and all I want to do is reach out and take her away from it all.
Brock: Baby, Theia is safe. I have her and I'm going to save yo-

Heat has me gripping my throat wrenching up nothing but hot air. My body suddenly aches all over as if I've tried to shift for the first time all over again.
Something terrible is coming.

Incoming call from Broski..
Blake: B, you alone?
Brock: No-
Blake: Get somewhere private. NOW.

Quickly exiting the room, I speed walk to my room and lock the door behind me.
Brock: What's happened?
Blake: I don't have all the information yet but, Mama's been assaulted

My heart freezes. My mind spinning on 'assaulted' as if it can't make sense of the word
Brock: Wha-What do you mean assaulted?
Blake: What do you fucking think it means? Someone got into her room and- shit, they did shit to her you don't want me to tell you over mindlink or the phone
Brock: I-is she ok?
Blake: If you're asking if she's alive? Yes. Barely. Whoever did this really did a number on her..
Brock: I'll make preparations to come home-
Blake: No, don't. I can handle it. You need to finish what you set out for.. but I have to be honest..

Dread settles in my heart
Brock: What?
Blake: She hasn't woken up since Bri found her, and the doc doesn't think he can bring her out of whatever kind of coma she's in. He's running tests now.
Brock: I'll be home by morning.


Hi Wolfers! I know there's a lot going on here and in the last chapter but please bear with and it'll all make sense... maybe 😂

#jessaspack #wolfers
Jessa 🐺🌑

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