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"maksud kau?"you asked him..

"Ok..mcm ni lah..err"he said while looking down..

"Then?"you said..

"Y/n..dalam hidup aku ni kan..xde sorang Pon boleh buat apa yang aku rasa skrg..kau je boleh.."he said shyly..

You were shocked.. he's about to confess!!?!..

"Aku suka kau y/n..mse Mula ii kite jumpe lagi..aku ade perasaan kt kau.."he said and looked at you nervously..

"Kau...suka?....aku!?!"you said and widen your eyes at him..

He was very nervous for your answer...he looks like he loves you very much..

"So...?"he said nervously..

"Aku Pon.."you said and smiled shyly.

"Baik ii larhh"he said and smirked..

"Iyee aku Pon sme..akuu suka kau jgak..kau sgt caring kat aku..kau jaga aku..kau bagi nasihat..bnyk arh kau buat kt aku.."you said and looked him in the eyes.. making an eye contact..

You broke the eye contact after a few seconds..

"Sooo skrg ni kite official arhh"he said and laughs..

"Begitu la rasenye"you said..

You guys were still in your room..

"Eh jom la kuar..menghilang plak kite.."you said and grabbed his can walk after the rest..

He blushed..

You opened the door..

When you opened the door Naim was standing in front of it..about knock..

You let go of kahar's hand..and walked out..he was disappointed because you let it go..

"Siyes arh..korg ni sllu berdua...dlm bilik plak tu.."Naim said while sussing you guys out..

"Eh adik kau kot..xkn larh aku nk buat pape kt die.."kahar said and pushed Naim playfully..

Naim invited you and kahar to go at the back of the school..they wanted to smoke..

You followed them....not to smoke tho


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