The Secret Of The New Haven Hospital

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Authors note: Hey guys! Veronica here! I just wrote this short story as an assigment and decided to share it with you guys! Don't judge, i'm not the greatest writer out there! sorry for all the grammar mistakes! let me know what you thought on the story, thanks ! xo


As early evening settled over the skyline, the dim light of the sun glanced off of the crumbling bricks of The New Haven Mental Hospital. It’s old windows caught the light. As they did so, it became obvious that this building was not well cared by their administrators. The once newly painted brick walls were now old and chipping. The shrills and screams that came from within the hospital were gone. It was replaced with nothing but quietness and emptiness. Ravens flew in circles above the isolated hospital shrieking, hinting at the secrets that lurked within the walls of the asylum, but mostly hinting at the massive secret that caused the hospital to shut down and to never re-open again.

It all started a few months back with a girl named Emily Jones. She looked like an innocent girl with big brown eyes, brown medium length hair, a petite frame and a smile that could brighten up the grumpiest person in the world. Though, if you looked past the innocent appearance of Ms. Emily Jones and went deeper into her story, you would have never looked at her the same way. Emily Jones lived a terrible life. She was acquited for murdering her whole family and was sent to the mental institute. No one witnessed the young girl stabbing each and every member of her family to death but she was immediately accused when a policeman saw her sitting on her porch the next morning whilst driving around the empty neighbourhood. She was covered in blood and held a knife in her hand, whispering to herself and pulling her hair out aggresively. The policeman stopped a block away from her house and immediately called backup and the New Haven Mental Health Association.

When the policemen and the mental health care professionals arrived at her house, she was in the exact same position where the policeman had seen her. Unlike before, Emily sat there staring at the people in front of her, motionless. She ignored  the mental health care professionals who grabbed her and the policemen that went into Emily’s house to investigate. 

As the policemen entered Emily’s home, they couldn’t help but cover their noses with disgust to keep themselves gagging from the very foul smell. With each disregarding step they took towards the kitchen, the smell became thicker and more foul. Alas, they reached the kitchen and there lying on the cold hard ground was Emily’s family, smothered in blood, their eyes wide and white and their mouths opened in shock.

After the investigation, Emily had a brief trial. Emily could only stare at the voiceless judge asking her questions and speaking with the policemen and the nurses from time to time. She could not bring herself to utter a word because she could not hear anything the judge was asking her. Based on all of  the evidence the judge was informed of, he closed the case declaring that Emily should be sent to a mental hospital for proper treatment and to recover from the psychotic state she was in. Thus, Emily was sent to The New Haven Mental Hospital. 


Emily looked at  her surroundings without care as she entered the hospital. She finally came to attention when heard voices from both sides of her ears and snapped her head only to see  patients dancing, singing and shrieking in individual rooms. They were all in their own little world. She observed the nurses rushing towards the rooms of the shrieking patients, trying to calm them down. Emily could not feel anything. Her mind and her body still felt numb. Everything was a blur and Emily could not bring herself to remember the events that happened during the past few days. All she could remember was the demon going inside of her.


“Honey, come down here!  You have to help me cook for dinner!”

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