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"Uzi, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Bite me. I don't care if it's a bad idea. Do you have any other ideas?"

"I'd say yes, but I wouldn't have anything to back up my statement."


"I think my idea was good, why aren't we doing it?"

"V, your idea was to kill all the worker drones. How does that relate to our objective?"

V groaned, sitting back the chair she was still chained to. "I still think it is a good idea. We'd have extra fuel for the trip."

"Why don't I use YOU as extra feul for the trip!?" Uzi turned to glare at V, but was cut short by N, who slowly came in between Uzi and V.

"Guys, we're trying to find wherever Tessa came from. Can we not argue for a minute?"

V rolled her eyes, mockingly saluting. "Yes, 'captian' N, whatever you say!"

Of course, this ticked off Uzi. But as long as N was here to make sure they wouldn't argue, she couldn't do anything. Though she daydreamed of blasting her to smitherines. She turned to the control pad, checking the ship's vitals. V opened her mouth to say something, but before she even spoke, Uzi replied, "No, we still don't know where we're going. I've told you a thousand times, we have only memories from both you and N. No specific destination. And sense N was the pilot-" she turned to N "-he should have more of a memory of how he even drove this thing, but sense he dosen't, we can't figure out where it even is we're supposed to go." she turned back to V. "Happy?"

V sat there, not really sure what to say. She glared at Uzi, turning around in her chair. Uzi, sighing, turned to N. "Why did we have to bring her again?"

"Because she's our freind, and she deserves to come along," N said. Uzi rolled her eyes, looking back at the control pad. "Why shouldn't she come along?"

"Because she tried to kill me?"

"And yet you act like you didn't try to kill me too," V butted in. "So now we're even, and we will be even until YOU try to kill me again."

"Bite me! You're the one who threatened to kill me back in the cabin!!!"

V scoffed. "We didn't need you! We could have fixed up the spaceship just fine on our own. You're just a useless worker drone, hehe! I would have succeeded in killing you if that dumb Doll didn't save your sorry butt."

"YOU TRIED TO DO WHAT!?" N turned around, absolutely flabbergasted. "V, why would you do that!?"

"Because we're Serial Desegnation drones. I was only doing my job. You should be doing yours too."

"We will! We're going to kill the humans!"

"The same humans that made us!? I'd rather have my concience deleted than side with YOU on this."

"Come on, V! This is a good cause!"

"What part of this 'cause' is good at all!?"

Uzi sighed. She could tell N and V's argument wouldn't end anytime soon. However, over all the arguing, she head a sort of scuffling in the upper part of the spaceship. It was unsettling. Even if it was just cargo, it should have been tied up. It had been tied up with a strong buckle, so it shouldn't move around. Was there a fault in the buckles she hadn't seen? "Guys, I'm gonna go check upstairs. I don't think you two care. Or notice." As N and V continued their useless squabble, Uzi climbed up the ladder into the cargo area.


Even with the huge, bright star right outside of the windows, it was still dark and unsettling. Uzi grabbed the flashlight she kept on her at all times, turning it on. As she looked around, she saw no unlatched cargo. The buckles were working just fine. If it wasn't the cargo, what was it? In her confusion, she failed to notice the red eyes glaring right at her. Suddenly, she heard a soft Russian voice. "Вы не должны быть здесь."
[you shouldn't be here.]

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