The play

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After all the emotions spilled we decided to go play in the empty lot that was the "yard" of the mansion. I say "yard" because it was more like a houseless neighborhood. We decided that we should let Becca teach us her fav. sport SOFTBALL. "Well atleast timmy and junior can't get hit by my superspeed pitches while I teach you how to catch" she said nonchantely. "yeah and then you'll give the rest of us bloodied noses" I stated. shutup she cried throwing a pretty strong pitch strait to my stomach. "bloody hell fuck" I screamed. I guess this suprised junior never had hearing me cuss specially since I was a girl. What I questioned him. " Oh just not used to girls in this age". "So girls can't play sports, work, or play sports?!" u asked fumed. "No I'm just still getting used to it." suddenly I burst and ran into the house angered.

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