Luv u part 3

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Shanti: before I start don't be mad at me k

Lang: no promises k

Shanti: k , well remember how I asked you if u wanted to have a future with me

Lang: yup

Shanti: n what did u say

Lang: of course I do

Shanti: well now I'll always be in ur future n u can never get rid of me

Lang: y

Shanti: cuz I'm pregnant

Lang:u r!

He said happy jumped up n gave me a hug n a kiss on my lips

Shanti: I guess that means your happy (laughing)

Lang: I'm more than happy babe I promise I'll take care of u n the baby

Shanti: Ik u will

Lang: I'm gonna be the best dad I can be I promise

Shanti: u will be the best dad

Lang: I love you

Shanti: I love you too

After that I went to bed and Lang went to play his game but around 11:30 he went to bed

Kila p.o.v
I woke up n ju wasn't next to me so I got up n did everything I need to do then changed my clothes I went in the living room n ju was playing a game I sat down next to him on the couch and put my legs on his lap I went on my phone I took a pic of him I posted it on insta n put under it ( my luv 😘😘)
It wasn't showing his face cuz you know but it was showing his body n my legs then i put down my phone

Kila: so babe since where gonna be here for a while can I invite my cuz to come here for a while

Ju: yah n I think I'm gonna invite my cuz too but they have to have there own hotel k

Kila: k babe imma call right now

I ran in our room n called my cuz rushell me Ashanti n her use to be so close when we were around 12 then she had to move to Atlanta but we stayed in touch n she use to visit us I herd she dyed her hair red anyways she's gonna be so happy when she here's Ashantis pregnant...

Phone convo :

Rushell: hello

Kila: hey babe

Rushell: hi

Kila: how r u

Rushell : great u

Kila : good ,I have a question for u

Rushell : what is it

Kila: how would you like to come visit me I'm staying at a hotel u can get a room

Rushell:I would love that is shanti there to

Kila: yup , also my boyfriend cuz is coming to

Rushell: oh ok I'll be there I'll get a ticket for me to come tomorrow

Kila: ok I'll tell my boyfriend so he can get his cuz one

Rushell: k bye Kila

Kila: bye shell

End of convo I ran into shanti room n Lang was in the living room of course

Kila: guess what

Shanti: what

Kila: Rushells coming tomorrow

Shanti: she is!

Kila: yup

Shanti: how long

Kila: how long she wants

Shanti: that's cool

Kila: Ik n jus cuz is coming to

Shanti : guy or girl

Kila : guy I think

Shanti : true he's coming tomorrow

Kila: yup

Shanti: ok so can u get out of my room now I'm going to sleep

Kila: ok w.e

10:00 pm

Kila p.o.v
Well Ashanti just made some chicken it was good now where on the couches me n ju on one n her n Lang on the other we are watching some dumb scary movie cuz Lang wanted to anyways this movie isn't even scary but Lang said it was the scariest movie ever yah right jus playing with my hair half asleep im on my phone Ashanti's playing with her nails n langs watching the movie then jus phone went off the caller id said ky'ree so I just picked up

Phone convo-
Kila: hello?

Ky'ree- hey um is ju there

Kila: yah but he's sleep but I'm a wake so u can talk to me

Ky'ree: so I'm guessing ur Akillah

Kila: yes n u r Ky'ree but who r u to my boyfriend ?

Ky'ree: I'm his cuz

Kila: oh

Ky'ree: yah I was calling to tell ju that I'm coming tomorrow morning at 8:30 n I have a room n everything but there's a problem I'm sharing my room with this girl Rushell montiga n idk who that is

Kila: oh that's my cuz ur rooming with her oh n tomorrow when you land look for a short girl with caramel skin that has cherry red hair she's not easy to miss at all so u will be fine

Ky'ree: ok well I think I'm gonna go pack or something so bye see u soon

Kila: u to

End of convo

Ju looked at me half asleep still playing with my hair n said

Ju: Ky'ree right

Kila: yup

N I went back to being on my phone
After a while I got tired so I went to bed

Ky'ree p.o.v
8:30 am
I just landed n now I'm trying to look for that girl she was actually pretty hard to find considering she has bright red hair anyways I'm trying to look for her in till I bump into the short girl she had a pick hoodie on with matching pink joggers n some pink nikes she was beautiful I grab u up quick n ask if she was ok

Girl: yah I'm fine this kind of happens a lot cuz no one can see me lol ( she said smiling)

Ky'ree: no it's my fault I wasn't looking btw how tall r u

Girl: 5"2 u

Ky'ree: 5"11

Girl: I should take of this hood that's rude of me

N before I could say anything she took it off n her long bright red and came out of it n I could tell it was her she matches the description perfectly I didn't expect her to be so pretty

Ky'ree : um this might sound creepy but is ur name Rushell

Girl: yes r u Julian's cuz

Ky'ree : yes

Rushell: ok so at least we found each other right

Ky'ree: yah but let's get going

Rushell: k

Ky'ree: oh n btw I like ur hair

Rushell: thanks ( blushing)

Hey guys I'm back finally I know I know I've been gone for a while so I decided to make another chapter for u guys n I also added new characters in it ☺️ Ky'ree n Rushell
I can tell there already starting to get along or will they lol In till next time
Luv ya .

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