Chapter 6

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Build's Pov

After getting the information I can't process anything. In the mean time , Mick came by my side picked the  phone from ground and talk to the person on other side .

I can't understand what they're talking because my mind is clouded with the new found information, Bible's accident.

" Biu?...Biu? Biu we have to go now." Mick is saying something but I can't process anything . " Biu..are you listening what I'm saying?" He started to shake me . I came out of my trance. Tears started to well up in my eyes " Bible got in a accident. He is in critical condition." "I know Biu and that's why we have to go to him as soon as possible. Let's go" Mick dragged me to the car and started the car.

I can't think straight. My vision is blurred because of tears. The expression I saw on his face yesterday is coming back to me with the questions of Mick which he asked back in the lake. " Did I overthink back then? Did I lost my chance to clear everything? Do I lost the love of my life? can't be real. Bible can't leave me like that he have to answer me why he cheated on me. He can't leave unanswered." I was lost in my thoughts when Mick inform that we already reach the hospital.

I am feeling extremely nervous and scared to face the reality which is now seem so scary .

While standing in front of the door behind which Bible is lying with numerous tubes and machines attached with his body. I broke down in tears. I was trying to hold myself for a long time but seeing the condition of Bible, I can't bear with the sight.

I ran away from there I can hear Mick telling me to stop but I just can't stand the sight of Bible. He is in a very vulnerable state. He is fighting for his life.

And I can't do anything for him. I feel so helpless.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Apo is standing with P'Mile. Apo's eyes are also red and P'Mile has a blank face.

I again broke down in Apo's embrace. " He is in critical condition...I--can't do anything Po. I don't want to loose him." " Please calm down Biu. Bible will be alright. He is a fighter don't loose your hope. Your presence by his side is enough for him. Please be strong."

Apo hugged me tightly.

After sometime I calm down. Apo helped me to stand up. " Let's go Bui we have to talk to the doctor about Bible's condition." P'Mile said. I just nodded and follow him with Apo.

" He is in coma. And he is not responding to any of the medicine. If he doesn't start responding to any of our medication within 24 hours, we afraid that we cannot be able to save him."

These are last words I heard from the doctor and while standing up from the chair I felt dizzy and everything went black.


Hope you like it. Tell me what you guys think.

Next update can be late. Please wait na. Love you guys.


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