Chapter 2: You Are My Sunshine

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They whisper my thoughts, lost and wandering.

"The other night, dear, while I was sleeping."

"I dreamed that I held you in my arms."

I remember the soft color of your lips and the sweet movement with which they formed a smile. I remember your waist in my arms, my mouth on your neck, the rhythmic throbbing under your chest, the panting and the intoxicating fruity and sweet aroma that adorned your skin.

I remember you immensely and in so many ways. I'm sorry. Can't. I miss you so much.

We had sworn, some distant time, that love had cured everything, had resolved everything, had made up everything in pink, gold and sky. We had sworn that nothing was wrong and that everything was perfect.

You killed Aegon.

Your brother, Aemond, told me on the day of the funeral.

"You gave him what he wanted, not what he needed!"

He assured me, trying to reach my face with his clenched fist despite your mother's hug that contained it with all her might. The youngest of all your brothers, Daeron, thought no differently.

May the guilt end you, Jacaerys Velaryon.

He told me, staring at me with utter revulsion and sadness, just before tears flooded his face and his suppressed expression cracked with tears.

You killed Aegon!

He screamed, and I didn't have the courage to stay there a single second longer. Seeing my face was also torture for your mother and sister, who respectfully asked me to move away, stating that they couldn't see me there without being eaten up by rancor.

"I'm fine"

You always told me

"This love is infinite". "It's all I need." "Love is enough". "The love conquers all".

It doesn't matter how many times you say it and repeat it in whispers as if they were spells, prayers or mantras; in the end, it turned out that even you did not believe those words. Love was not enough, Aegon. Love was not enough. And the worst part was not that it was not enough. No. The worst thing was that, day after day, you... you made me believe so. You said: “no doctors”.

"They ask things." "They want me to talk and not stop talking." "Please, Jacaerys, don't take me with them." "I'm fine". "I'm very well".

I shouldn't have believed in you, Aegon. I never should have believed in you. It's my fault. Your brothers, your mother, they are ALL right. The autopsy says what I didn't want to see. That one word that encompasses everything we avoided, everything we fought against. Yet he should say: Jacaerys Velaryon was not enough, her love was not enough. He should say, in big, clear letters, "cause of death: Jacaerys Velaryon lost it."

"He killed him".

Tell me, Aegon.

What should I do

how do i deal with this

What do I do with all this love? What do I do with all these memories that comfort, kill and torment at the same time? It's almost been a year, one that seems like a millennium, or more, a whole eon. A complete life. And, at the same time, it seems like it was yesterday.

"I will always love you, and I will make you happy."

You had told me.

"Nothing can come between us."

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧/For AEGON [𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑛] (Omegaverse)    Where stories live. Discover now