~The day we met~

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Bakugo decide one day to go the park. His mom sat on a bench near the park, reading a fitness magazine. Bakugo was just about to go down the slide, when he heard a slight scream of terror.

Little bakugo

Huh? What's that? Mom I'm just going to the other side!


Ok dear.

He went to check it out.

Bully #1

Hey stupid frog, give us your dolly, or else.

Little Tsuyu

No! I just got it.

Bully #2

Ok then you asked for this

The bullies try to steal the doll, but bakugo decided to step in and help the poor girl.


HEY! Leave her alone, or ELSE!

Bully #1 & #2

Or else what Blondie?


Or else this...

Bakugo flew at the bullies and sprain their wrists.

Little tsuyu


Bully #1

HEY. WHAT THE HELL, MATE. UGH let's go Derrick (bully #2)

As bakugo jeered at the bullies he rushed to see the little girl, who stared at him with stars in her eyes.

Little tsuyu

Wow! Thank you! Can we be friends?

Little bakugo

Huh. Whatever.

Little tsuyu

Yay! Oh! Thanks for saving me...uh

Little bakugo

Bakugo. Katsuki bakugo.

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