chapter 5 another day part - 1

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I woke up from bed as Rob my eyes. I looked at the clock to see it was 2 am

Aleister:' it seems like my habit of waking up too early hasn't changed one bit. Haha~ '

Despite how early it is and how much you want to go back to bed, your habits manage to get the better of you as whenever you wake up, it is harder to go back to sleep no matter how much you really want to though

You got up and headed to the shower to take a bath, I took a cold shower to wake my salf up completely

Everyone was still asleep so I decided to spend some time outside as usual. It's been 5 days now and other then a few things here and there nothing really interesting happened

I still had the bosses number and also got his name Dante, and he told me that the auction would start at midnight and that I should attend since I was the one selling them. I messaged him that I would attend and that was the end of the conversation

I walking on the sidewalk while trying to remember all the things that happened recently

Her time with with the family was a little bit difficult to get adjusted but as time past everyone got used to my presence in the house and started treating each other as family in the span of five days no less

And there was that one time when I met the admins of this world. That was fun


It was a day unlike any. It was normal. And everyone was enjoying there time together sense it was summer break the kids didn't have school so we mostly spend time together. And by together I mostly mean me and Kane, Trisha spends most of her time with her friends outside and when she's home spends the rest of her time in her room

I didn't mind as I do the exact same thing before, she does however spend time with only when Rose or Anthony tell's her to look after as. She gets annoyed when this happens but doesn't say it out right, it's not like she dislikes us she just has better things to then deal with us

At some point both me and Kane got into a unique conversation

Kane:"so May can you show me your status window "

Kane:".. so you don't know what a status window is?"

Aleister:" of course I do I just haven't figured it out yet that's all"

Kane:" oh ok. Hay if you managed to do it could you show me, I've always wanted to see a status window up close"

Aleister:"ya sure"

Kane:"yay I can't wait"

He was jumping up in the air excitedly like a kid who was told he would be going to the swimming pool next week

Aleister:"hay Kane I'll be going out side for a bit. Ok"

Kane:" huh are you sure do need anything, I could get big sis over here if you're going somewhere"

Aleister:"no I'll be fine"

I said with a smile to assure him

Kane:"you know you've been going out a lot. Do you still feel uncomfortable around us"

Aleister:"no, that's not it. I enjoy our time together and the family. I just love going outside and taking walks on the street you know"

I say trying to emphasize that I like walking and that nothing was wrong. He still looked a bit sad but accepted it

Kane:"ok. just be back before dinner"

Aleister:" ok~ "

I said and left out the door

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