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My name is Elizabeth okoro a native of osun state,I know you might be wandering especially with the name "okoro".my biological father is Mr tunde abayomi,but the man as I know as my father is Mr Kelvin okoro,who is from owa_oyibu agbor Delta State. my mother is not a wayward person as you might be thinking,but the love of her life was snatched by the cold hands of death,this is the story of my life .long time ago in the city of Lagos ( ebute_meta) there liver a copper named Maria chuks,she is a native of Delta State (isoko north).she was an epitome of beauty,had a curvy shape ,black elboni complemented with a beautiful long leg,lashes,it was during her stay as a copper in Lagos ,that was where she had met my dad at where he was working as a mechanic,they had to face so many things,cause people were saying that he had used charm on her,but that didn't move them a bit,my father was an intelligent man to the core,it was after series of pleading that he was accepted by Maria's father Mr chuks who was a retried police man, while his wife Mrs nwangi chuks was a lecturer at the polytechnic of ozoro.it was a week to the marriage ceremony,that was when the tradegy took place,they were both going to the mall, when a lorry over took them ,thereby making the motor hit a pole at the front,after 2 weeks at the hospital,my mum had survive,but my dad didn't survived and that was how I came to know mr Kelvin okoro as my father, and that was what brought my downfall

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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