Death and Despair

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She's finally learned how to control my power and I'm pretty sure she's going to try to awaken the immortal family.That is something I must not let happen if she does that my kids will never know what peace is."Dre it's going to happen soon we have to act as soon as she comes."I reached out my hand and grabbed my boy Ash."Yeah I know but I don't have any power right now the only 1 that can fight is you."

"Dre I can't not only is she's powerful but she also got your strength to triple that."I guess she can't win but I know she can try she won't die she is protected by The sea God."Your going to survive no matter what I know what you are ever since we did it.""Not at all surprised yes I'm am a demigod it's doesn't change the fact I don't know how to control my power yet."She is a daughter of Poesidan amazing I knew it was possible but I never thought I'd be right.

"Let's go."I had Ash in my hands while she had Hope we our going to drive around hopefully don't run into trouble.We walked out and went to the car we put them in the car seat and I drove looking at the Christmas lights I love doing this.

That was until the ground started shaking an earthquake no it has begun she starting it."Pull over quick."I pulled over and went to the back and got Hope and Ash."Give me Hope."Which I did and we ran until we were at the root of the problem Sky."What your still alive."

"Yeah and better than ever."I smiled and gave Ash to Rain I better try even if I die okay I'm probably am going to die."Your to late I already completed it."No way that quick I think she was able to reach a level of my power I couldn't have obtained.

"Mother is this the guy you took the power from."I looked over it was a women and a tall man."Rain I thought you said it was a boy.""Uh I should have told you my grandpa told me this and he was very old."Oh my gosh seriously."Sky nodded.

"He doesn't look all powerful to me I faced more men than he can probably count.""Hey who are talking about I'm a great warrior."She laughed at me."Oh please you might have stood a chance when you had your other forms but now your a mouse and We're the Eagles."She is really getting on my nerves if she doesn't shut her big mouth.I got into my fight position and ran at her really slow I hate running in this form I'm slow and I'm weak.She elbowed me in my gut and that was the end of me I was on the floor coughing up blood oh I can't believe how weak I am.

"That's it that's all you got oh well I still see victims."What no she can't not them she won't dare she started walking over to them."Run."Rain transformed into a werewolf and tried running but the girl was in front of her in no time."Where do you think your going."She kicked her Ash and Hope were flying off no.I jumped up and caught them but she kicked me in my back so I flew to the ground lucky enough to land on my back with them crying in the front of me.

"Rain."She got up and jumped at the girl who grabbed her by the neck and threw her.I felt power in my hands but it wasn't mine it was Ash and Hope they were glowing."What the hell is that."I felt my body being healed by Hope and Ash was healing his mother.I got up there's no way to win against we can at least hold them back."Enough of this finish the wolf Riley."She nodded and ran up to her with speed my eyes couldn't keep up with and one swift move she punched her in the heart.My heart stopped and my eyes burned with rage they killed her how could they do that to her.

"Oh look he's upset.""Maybe we should run."I picked up my kids and started walking away from them my mind was blank.Until the women called Riley stopped me smiling."Are you upset I didn't mean to kill her so quickly I wanted her to suffer.""Move."I tried going around her but she pushed me to the ground."I'm not kidding I mean it get out of my way."I got up only to be pushed back down but this time she sat on my legs."I MEAN IT."I tried getting up hint tried so I was just laying there with Ash and Hope."Looks like he's given up can I kill him now Dad,mom."Kill me."Alright that's it I'm tired of being pushed around no one does that to me Witch give me back my power or I'll do it by forces."She laughed.

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