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"𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞"

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"𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞"

The next morning the walked into the large and unfamiliar gym. The volleyball team started warming up as a group of unknown girls walked in.

The one up front caught most of the guys' attentions. "Who's that?" Bachira asked with a confused look.

"The volleyball team who we're playing against." Namra said as the brown haired girl, Suma nervously fiddled with her fingers.

"They look skilled, can we really beat them?" She asked as an obnoxious girl threw an arm on her shoulder. "Of course we're gonna win, We have crazy attacks right? And with Mira on our team I don't think they have a chance."

Sarah said making them all fired up.

"Who's this Mira you're talking about? Is she really that good?"

An unfamiliar voice said as the girl with a smirk approached them.

Her jersey showed the number 1 with a line underneath it. She was the captain of their opponent's team.

"Who the hell are you?" Makio said hands placed in her shorts' pockets.

"I'm not here to start any fights or anything, We're Komazawa university's volleyball team. I'm Nina the captain and setter."

The girl said with a kind smile and offered a hand to the blonde. Sarah looked at her hand suspiciously and returned the gesture.

"I'm Sarah, middle blocker for Kyoto University's (let's pretent that's were they go) volleyball team."

The tension in the room grew as Nina excused herself to go warm up. Akari scoffed as she walked away and looked at her teammates. "I don't like her already."

She said making Makio cross her arms. "I can see her snake personality from a mile away." She said as Otoya suddenly but in.

"I think she's pretty fine. I'd love to get a hit."

He got smacked on the head by Rin and then by Sarah. "Don't say things like that moron." She said as they returned to their part of the court.

"Do you think they're gonna win?" Reo asked as the guys sat on the bleachers. They were basically the audience and the only people watching except for the coaches.

"I don't see why not? They're really good." Bachira said with an excited expression.

"I'm surprised at your confidence." Isagi said nervously. He knew they were good players but the other team looked really skilled too.

"YOU GO KYOTO VOLLEYBALL TEAM!!!!!" Otoya yelled at the top of his lungs as Rin, who sat beside him covered his poor ears.

"Would you stop screaming?"

He said and rolled his eyes.

The set started with Nina's serve, she threw the ball in the air and hit it with her left hand. Suma went to recieve the it but the ball bounced back weirdly and flew out of her hand.

The others stared in shock. The libero apologized and got back to her position. The tension was getting higher.

After recieving Nina's serve they started with fast attacks. Mira set the ball for Sarah as the girl slammed it down. The exchange of points continued for a long time as it was time for the brunette's serve.

Akari, Makio and Sarah smirked at their opponents in victory.

The girl spun the ball in her hand took a deep breath. She threw it in the air, jumped and then hit with as much force as possible.

Komazawa university's players couldn't even react as the ball landed in the very corner.

Nina's face turned into a grin as she clapped her hand. "I get it now, She's the real deal."

Mira scorred another 4 points with her serves and the Kyoto team won the first set.

The team went to take a water break as Otoya ran to hug and congratulate them. "Keep it up we can take the second set too."

He said making Sarah smiled awkwardly. "You sound like the couch." She said making the others chuckle.

"No but seriously that game was insane." Karasu admitted earning a few nods from the others.

The next set started Mira felt a persistent gaze on her. The other team's setter was not taking her eyes off of her. Nina and another tall girl followed the ball around everywhere.

Just as they thought the brunette would set to Makio, she dumped the ball over the net. It landed with a small thud making Nina smile in anger.

"You got us."

She whispered as Mira glared at her.

"Follow the ball all you want. You won't figure out my next move." She said and went to discuss something with her team.

The opponent's serve got recieved by Namra as it flew towards the setter, but she suddenly ran to the other side, switching places with Akari.

Akari set the ball to her as she scored a cross shot.

About 2 hours passed since the game started it was now their 4th set and Komazawa university had the upper hand.

They won the set making the score 2:2. Unfortunately they didn't have enough time to find out who the winner was.

"Alright that's it for today, we can continue tomorrow. Have a shower and prepare for dinner." The coach said as they all got up to leave.

"Mira can I talk to you for a moment?" Nina said catching everyone's attention. They all gave her a suspicious glare as the girl followed her to the corner.

"You're a good player I'll admit that, but I'm gonna make sure to destroy you. I'll prove that I'm a better setter than you. How does that sound?"

Nina threatened as Mira stared at her with a bored expression. "Sounds delightful,Can I go now?"

She asked making her newly made enemy fake smile. "Yes you can."

This battle was far from over.

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