Chapter 1

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"Omg, that's her. Thats the girl who moved here from Cali." I heard whispers in  the halls about me.

I mean, c'mon people. Get over yourself. I am only a 16 year old girl in the 10th grade. Do better.

I looked at my schedule:

Mathematics- Mrs. Pershall

Reading/Phonics- Mr. Davion

Writing- Mr. Goodwin

Special; Karate, Art, Computer, Library.

I quickly circled computer. (I mean Facebook break  people.)

I turned around and bumped into the most gorgous person I have ever seen. "Sorry" I muttered.

He was a light tan color and had magnificent curls the color of chocolate. He had nice green eyes and a cheeky smile with dimples. Oddly familiar in some ways.

"Its okay" He said with a smile, interrupting my mind babble.

" Your a cheeky chap. Aren't you?" I said with my best british accent.

"Sure am. How would you like to go to dinner with this cheeky chap?"

"Sure would. Rizzio's at 6:00?"

"YUM. Rizzio's? Isn't that like a buffet?"

"Sure but not really. Your thinking of Donson Buffet."

"See you tonight?"

Then, I walked away. Without a freaking name too.

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