The truth always finds it way out

62 3 1

Mentioned Abuse
Attempted su!c!de 

Sorry this chapter isn't really long😭
————————————————————Finney Blake POV
I lied on the mattress crying I just woke up after he beat me with his damn belt.. I'm tired of it.. I get up and look over at the black phone it's been broken for years it's never worked while I've been here I walk over to it stumbling a bit but catching my balance again I pick up the wire and slowly wrap it around my neck not tightening it yet I take a deep breath and grab onto the wire about to pull it I can end it all now and here but.. something is stopping me.. what's stopping me! Why can't I just give up! It hits me.. Robin. I can't just give up not for me but for robin I have to keep trying for robin I will keep trying. And I will escape that's a promise robin.

Robin Arellano POV
Me and the others got ice cream 😋 griffin got strawberry, Billy's got chocolate, Bruce got vanilla, vance didn't get one and I got mint not like it's my favourite but it's always use to be Finley's favourite I guess It reminds me of her in a way

Gwen Blakes POV:
Im at Susies house I left my old house ages ago.. I miss my sister a lot and I decide to visit her grave at some point today I get up from the couch and Susie looks over at me "Gwenny?? Are u ok??" I replied as calm as I could "yea I'm fine Susie I'm just gonna get dressed" Susie smiles in reply and I smile back and walk into the guest room they let me stay in well it isn't really a guest room anymore it's my room now I'm really thankful to Susie and her mom for taking me in and being so nice like a real family should act..

Finney Blake's POV
I sneak up from the basement again and run into the kitchen when I hear footsteps coming from up stairs and hide in a empty cabinet it's really uncomfortable but i have to make it work I hear the grabber coming into the kitchen he's on his phone again but it's on speaker this time he probably thinks I'm still passed out I decide to listen in on his conversation the person he's on phone to speaks up "just don't let the brat know what I did." The grabber replies rolling his eyes "yea yea I won't let Finley know u paid me to kidnap ur own daughter  like who does that?" He laughs
I feel my heart stopping and my stomach is in knots I cover my mouth so my heavy breathing and uncontrollable whimpers of cries can't be heard

Thé black phone (kidnapped at young age finney au)Where stories live. Discover now