I stare there
You before me
Trails of wet down our cheeks
Go on again speak
And I shall weep forever
Speak I shall
And weep you will
Forever as you should
As I have for you always
If your love is as pure as mine
Regret you will feel and not let go
For I have done the same
Do not take for granted what I have given
It will go the moment you blink
I'll tell you again your mistakes
And what your actions caused
The hurt I feel is not real at all?
I spoke
You did not weep
Is that what I mean?
So much hurt you have caused
Not just now but before and always
When you speak
I weep
Always constantly
Sorrow fillls me
As I watch as your eyes do not glisten
But instead my own
In heartbreak and grief
I sob alone staring at a wall
Wishing for you to feel as I
Please my dear if you love me
Like I you
Please weep
For all that is real.
Little sun
PoetryWoe are they to be alone Nothing in specific Is what's wrote Heartbreak and love Is all that you'll find