Part 2

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Natsu cleaned up in the kitchen and washed Lucy's clothes, put them in the dryer, and even went to the trouble of ironing them and folding them nicely. While Lucy was napping on the couch. Natsu proceeded to the back of the house to the last room, which houses his home workout equipment. Natsu began his workout routine and continued for a couple of hours before taking a refreshing cold shower. Once he exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his neck and another around his waist. He entered the living room, where he noticed Lucy waking up from her sleep.

Lucy: *As she woke up, she gently opened her eyes and sat up on the couch, the blanket that had been covering her falling down from her back. She wipes her eyes with a drowsy expression on her face and yawns softly. She notices Natsu standing on the other side of the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist once she stops rubbing her eyes. She is initially taken aback by the overwhelming views in front of her eyes, and as she continues to gaze at Natsu's well-toned body, her face begins to get crimson. She quickly covers her face in embarrassment and turns away, attempting to collect her thoughts.*

Natsu: *He has no idea why she suddenly got red and hid her face. He suddenly realized that he had been so relaxed that he had forgotten to put on clothes and was standing in front of her in nothing more than a towel. He walked out of the room with his face flushed, but no one saw because Lucy was still looking away from him. After drying himself, he went to his bedroom and changed into clean clothing. He returned to the living room after he had cooled down and dressed up, where Lucy had likewise appeared to have calmed down.*

Lucy: * Changed into her regular clothes that she discovered next to her on the couch, which had been freshly washed and ironed for her. She glances at Natsu and smiles at him with a genuinely warm smile.*  I see you went to the trouble of cleaning my clothes and ironing them for me. I'm really grateful; is there anything I can do to repay you? Name it, and I will do all in my power to make it happen.

Natsu: *becomes upset by the way she is continuously trying to please him for every little thing, and it is clear from his voice that he is.* Lucy, please stop trying to please everyone by always claiming that I will repay you and that I would do whatever to make it up to you. You may have only said that to me twice since I've known you, but I can tell you're doing it on purpose. Look, I come to your aid both times because I can't tolerate it when someone is assaulted or mistreated. I don't do it for praise or rewards, so please stop it. It's enough if you just say thank you for something I did, so quit trying so hard. I appreciate the thought, but I'm not the type of person who expects to be compensated for everything I do, so a simple thank you is plenty.

Lucy: *Her emotions are all over the place; she is upset that she made him angry, yet she is relieved that he urged her to stop acting like that.* I'm sorry, but I feel like I owed you more than a simple thank you. When I was trapped in the bathroom while the stoker was breaking it down to do who knows what to me, my only chance was you, and when you turned up and saved me, I felt obligated to repay you. If you hadn't intervened, I could have been raped or worse, because stokers these days will do the most horrific things to the individuals they are obsessed with.

Natsu: Lucy, I understand that, and I understand that in your area of work, there will be many people who believe they deserve a girl like you and will treat you like a precious possession. I'm not saying that me saving you isn't something you should be grateful for, but I am stating that I am happy to assist and ensure your safety, and knowing that is enough for me. In the end, all that matters is that you are safe, so stop attempting to do grandiose favors for me in the future; a simple thank you is plenty. Okay?

Lucy: I understand, and I will do my best. *His remarks caused her emotions to run wild, and she recalls their conversation at the restaurant the day before about the possibility of dating one another. She starts fidgeting in her seat as her face turns red again.* Natsu, you mentioned that if I wanted to see you, I didn't need a reason, so if you're okay with it, would you consider going out with me and being my boyfriend? *As the words left her mouth, she realized what she had just said, and her face became even redder than before, and her face was covered in a brilliant red blush.*

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