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( real life ! )

Leah had been discharged from the hospital the next day but she knew that she would be out for at least a month.

That's theee races for her, but she was in a title battle with Max and she knew that he would try and get as many points now due to her not being there.

Lewis had stayed with his daughter for a week, he didn't want to race and just wanted to stay with her. Leah was now trying to convince to her father that she would be okay on her own.

"Dad, I don't want you to not race because of me! I will be fine I promise!" Leah told him. "Le, you can barley do anything!" Lewis said.

"That's a bit dramatic! I can walk with my crutches the one I think I will need to do is make food which won't me a problem!" Leah added.

"Okay fine, but promise to call me or someone if anything happens!" Lewis told her. "I promise you, I will!" Leah said.

"I love you Le" Lewis added. "I love you too dad, now go and win that race for me this weekend!" Leah replied.

"You can count on me, Le!" Lewis told her while Leah smiled.

( instagram ! )



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⚪️⚫️Liked by lewishamilton, landonorris and 2,184,992 others leahhamilton: Hey everyone!

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Liked by lewishamilton, landonorris and 2,184,992 others
leahhamilton: Hey everyone!

I just want to thank you all for all the nice comments I have received, it means so much to me! I am so sorry for worrying everyone, but I am okay. I have a long month of recovery ahead and then I will be back on the track like normal. Thank you all once again for all the kind messages, love you all🤍

(Thanks Dad for Roscoe, love u x )
view all 21,727 comments

username Glad your okay Le!

username So happy you're alright!!

username I got a feeling Lewis doesn't know Leah had Roscoe..

lewishamilton You kidnapped my dog?!
> leahhamilton I didn't want to be on my own!!

username Leah kidnapping Roscoe😭

username I mean I don't blame Leah..

mercedesamgf1 Awh, we miss our mascot :/
> leahhamilton What about your favourite Hamilton :)
>> mercedesamgf1 We miss you very much Le!!
>>> lewishamilton My dog got kidnapped, my team have replaced me. What else?

username Lewisss😭😭

username I love that from the Merc admin!!

username Everyone misses Leah!!

( real life ! )

Lewis was currently in a press conference, a lot of drivers have asked him how Leah has been. He knew that what the majority of the questions he will be asked this weekend.

"Lewis, it was awful to watch what happened to Leah last race. Can you give an update on her?"

"Yeah, I can't describe how I was feeling in the moment when I saw her crashed like that. Especially all you want to know as a parent if your children are okay and I didn't know that. Le is doing alright, I know she is annoyed that she can't race because she is in a title race but she will be back soon" Lewis replied.

"Thank you Lewis"

"Max, what are your thoughts on Leah being out for a 3 races? You could get 78 points and you will be in the lead of the championship"

"Look, what happened to Le was awful and it shocked a lot of us, as we had to go back into the car after it. I'm hope she a speeding recovery, her being out won't change much. I may get ahead of her in the championship but I know as soon as Le comes back she will be fighting for the top spot" Max said.

"Thank you Max"

"Do you think she will be okay before a month?" Seb whispered to Lewis. "I highly doubt it, but it is Leah we are talking about" Lewis replied.

"Don't let her push herself too much, you know what she is like" Seb added. "Yeah I know, I will make sure she is 100% before she is allowed back" Lewis told him.

( twitter ! )

Sky Sports F1 | @SkySportsF1 16m
Max Verstappen's thoughts about Leah Hamilton being out for 3 races:

"Look, what happened to Le was awful and it shocked a lot of us, as we had to go back into the car after it. I'm hope she a speeding recovery, her being out won't change much. I may get ahead of her in the championship but I know as soon as Le comes back she will be fighting for the top spot"

2.4k retweets | 21.3k likes | 4.6k replies
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username | @username6m
Leah and Max's friendship is something I just love so much!
username | @username5m
It's all the fans that create all the drama! The respect each other so much!
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username | @username7m
I just know that the interviewer wanted Max to say something different!
username | @username6m
Max is like an older brother to Le, he looked scared seeing the crash!
username | @username9m
I hate how the fans and media think they are enemies or something. In reality they are friends and treat each other like brother and sister!
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username | @username11m
I love this friendship!!!

username | @username14m
Underrated friendship, people think they hate each other due to Leah being Lewis's daughter but in reality they are close friends!!

( note ! )

New chapter!! Sorry it took awhile, hope you liked it!

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