Walking Distance

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I always feel a little sick in my stomach when I walk home from school. It's like I know something bad is coming, and I can't shake the feeling. Today was no exception.

My mate Cameron was mumbling like he always does, but I was too distracted by my thoughts until something stood in my way; I looked up.

On the street corner, a missing poster was plastered onto a lamppost alongside a wanted poster too. As I got closer, my eyes drew to the grainy black-and-white picture on it. It was a lady, - who bared a clown mask with a smile that felt familiar - warmth and comfort - and beneath it were the words ' WANTED! Serial Killer '.

My breath caught in my throat as I read the details. This lady had killed and kidnapped multiple people in the area, her main target being children, and the police were searching for her, fast. I shivered at the thought of it, and it was then that I realised I had to get home far quicker than normal.

"Cal? Are you even listening to me?" - Cameron remarked. "Oh- that's the woman who's been kidnapping people - I've heard she goes after the weak ones~," Cameron explains in a ghostly gesture.

"Cut it out, Cam-" I brushed him off my shoulder. "This might be a big deal."

"It is a big deal, but I guess maybe you wouldn't mind your dad going missing for a while, right?"

"I guess that would be nice." I smiled.

After we finished our conversation, I waved goodbye to Cameron, and the two of us went our separate ways. I locked my door behind me as soon as I got home, and the image of the lady still crept into my mind.

I walked past the living room door to avoid being seen by my Dad; he was eating crisps on the sofa like usual and bingeing his favourite show on the television. I just wish things would go back to the way they were; happy memories, laughter, and joy - all three things I need back into my life again. That is what I crave most.

I wandered off into my room and hooked my school bag behind the door, got changed, and jumped onto my bed for some peace. My walkie talkie went off, it was Cam:

"Hey Cal, whatcha up to?"

"Nothing much,  just got in; what about you?"

"Listening to 'Rock with you' by the one and only-!" he said excitedly creating suspense with each word.

"MJ?" I teased.

"Aw, come on! How'd you guess?" He sighed to himself.

"You literally have a poster of him behind you in your room." I laughed.

There was silence while Cameron's eyes widened as he covered the speaker and slowly turned behind him - revealing he does in fact have a poster of Micheal Jackson in his room.

"Moving on..." he didn't want to admit his defeat, "Mum overheard the radio talking about how the kidnapping cases have slowed down. What does this mean?"

"Well..." I try thinking, "Maybe the killer has given up?" Hoping for the best.

"That would be strange I guess.." he thought. "We don't even know the reasoning why she is doing all this."

After a couple of hours of going back and forth between various topics and even completing some of my homework to kill some time - I heard a quiet groan coming from my belly.

After a couple of hours of going back and forth between various topics and even completing some of my homework to kill some time - I heard a quiet groan coming from my belly

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"I'm gonna head downstairs for a bit to make myself a meal, I won't be long." 

"Alright, Cya!" said Cameron, letting me go.

A static noise erupted from my walkie-talkie as I set it down on my bed. I begin wandering downstairs into the kitchen, noticing my dad closing the fridge harshly and budging me out of the way, "Dishes" he said in a stern voice. I turned around and watched him walk away, he slumped back down on the sofa. I let out a sigh. I had no choice but to do what he says, I groaned and placed the stool in front of the sink climbing on top.

After finishing washing and drying up, I grabbed myself a frozen-microwavable curry I had left over from the other day when I ate around Cameron's house; Mrs. Templeman makes the best dinners. Once, I had prepared my meal - carefully ran up the stairs

"Score!" I say lightly jumping onto my bed and resting down, making sure not to spill the dinner on the covers. Swallowing the curry with every bite felt like heaven, the flavour swirling around my taste buds. 

The walkie-talkie vibrates, "Hello? Cal.. you there? I'm getting worried now-" In shock, I pick it up and apologise, "Sorry Cameron, I had difficulties with something-"

"Your Dad again?" he said in annoyance.


"He is such a jerk-" Cameron stated.

I began to hear footsteps and moved the walkie-talkie away from my mouth but making sure my finger is pressed down still. The door opened slightly leaving only a glimpse of light coming through. "Whose that?" came a sluggish voice.

"Um, Cameron," I replied.

"Turn it off please."

"No. I don't want to." I exclaimed

The door opened a bit more showing his face with a hand extending towards me, "Callumn, now!" he said more forcefully.

"Please, 5 more minutes?" I pleaded to him.

Instead, he started walking towards me reaching for my walkie-talkie as I quickly yank it away, we started to tackle for it - and not in a fun way. "Stop! Go away, you're hurting me!" Trying to push him away, this time he caught hold of my talkie and threw it against the wall; breaking as it started to create static noises."Nooo!" I whined reaching out for it as it fell to the ground. The silence in the room was loud. He harshly tapped the back of my head - he knew my weak spots and used them to his advantage. "Now go sleep." my door banged shut.

My face buried into my hands, I should've listened to him.

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