Elle song association ♡︎

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All: We go hard till we get it get it
We go hard
We so in it in it
Only winning winning now
Ain't nobody bringing us

*cut to the whole video*

All: hi we are G.N.O*all waves and smiles*

Juri: Hi my loves I'm Juri

Somin: Hello I'm Somin

Bomi: Hii I'm Bomii

Selena: Hello I'm Selenaa

Bomi: and today we are going to play song association and we will have 10 seconds to sing or rap that word in a song

Somin: I think we will do good!!

Juri: we will,we listen to music all the time

All: *laughs*

* intro plays*

Word: Happy

Selena: because I'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof *giggles and sings*

All: *sings in unison* clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

Juri: happy by Pharrell

Word: Rain

All: *sings in unison* set fire to the rainnn

Bomi: I remember we use to listen to that song all the time our trainee days

Somin: same,good times

Word: fire

Bomi: this girl is on fireee*sings beautifully*

Juri: slayyy

All: *laughs*

Word: Crazy

Juri: got me looking so crazy right now


Word: talk

All: can we just talk,can we just talk!!

Word: cool

All: let's get cool!!

Somin: by us of course

Word: pop

All:We go hard till we get it get it
We go hard
We so in it in it
Only winning winning now
Ain't nobody bringing us

Selena: again,by yours truly

*skip time*

*video ends*

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