Chapter 1

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Haven't you ever felt like it would be such a blessing if one day a Fairy Godmother would appear out of nowhere and grant you a wish, as in the story of Cinderella. 

You might think, 'how lucky would I be if I had a fairy who would turn the pumpkins in my kitchen into carriages and help me find my prince'

But no one ever thinks the pressure that weighs on the person especially if the said wish was to be used not for yourself, but for someone else.

This is a similar story. 

Hello, my name is Ava, and this is my story.

There I was again, peeping out from behind the lockers, only to find the everyday view of my crush standing together with his girlfriend. 

They were laughing at something their mutual friend said before he walked off. My crush had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend's shoulder as she rested her head on his arm.

Oh, how adorable they looked together. 

'How I wish that would be me' I would whisper to myself. I felt envious of the way his eyes lit up when she said something. His eyes were filled with love for her while mine were filled with sadness for him. 

I felt angry, thinking I could do nothing.

"Did it have to turn out this way?" I said, my eyes filling with tears.

"If only she had died..." I muttered, "if only I had killed her..."

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