Chapter 2

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Butters POV|

When the bus stopped me and Tweek moved forward a bit almost falling off of our seat but we just laughed about it.

Me and Tweek walked off the bus. I listened to him freak out about a lot of stuff I did try my best to comfort him I don't know if it works or not though.. He never really tells me. It always made me feel bad about not truly understanding Tweek and how he was so nervous about everything but I did kinda understand just not a lot..

Tweek gives me a hug then walks off to his locker. I walked to my locker which was right next to this strange girl just standing next to her locker trying to get in it but she stopped for a little and sighed. I even saw tears forming in her eyes.

She's probably embarrassed.

I quickly walk over to her and look at her very concerned.

"Hey there feller..! you ok?.. Do you need help with your locker??. " I asked holding my books close to my chest

"Y..Yes please... " she answered quietly looking down.

I gave her a smile and looked at her locker code and opened it up quickly and turned back to her

"There you go!" I gave her another smile

"Thank you.. My name is Tina." She said fidgeting with her fingers

"Oh? My name is butters!"

"Butters?" She raised an eyebrow probably thinking how much my parents must had hated me for giving me such a name.

"It's just a nickname don't worry! My parents love me a whole lot!" Tina just smiled and put some of the things she didn't need away

"Well ok.."

I grabbed the books I needed for first period and walked off giving Tina a wave before I left.

My first period was probably one of my favorites. Kenny was in it and it was a little class so really if I thought really hard it was only me and Kenny in the class.
I was also one of the only people Kenny knew in that class so any time we had to get a partner for a project he partnered up with me and sometimes he even got to come over to my house. So I was really excited because Tweek told me there was going to be another project today. And the projects were really easy for me to do.

I sat down in my seat as I walked inside the class. My desk wasn't too far away from the door. It was really more in the middle of the room and on the side by the wall not far away from the door of the class I saw Kenny walk in and immediately my eyes followed him.

Kenny just quietly sat down in his usual desk which was right next to the window. I loved looking at him when he sat there because he looked so beautiful when the sun was out and shining on his perfect jawline and dirty blonde hair.

Before I knew it class was starting

"Ok class. Before I start I want all of you to meet the new student. Her name is Tina and she will be in this class. So please be nice to her" the teacher announced not seeming to care much as the girl I helped earlier walked in and smiled when she noticed she sighed in relief. She quickly waved at everyone giving them a smile then rushed to a seat next to me.

"I'm so happy your in this class!" She whispered I chuckled softly.

"Yea!" I smiled then looked up at the teacher making sure I already knew everything she was teaching. Luckily I did so I didn't pay any attention.

I noticed everyone was staring at me and Tina. Including kenny.

I don't know why but it annoyed me.
A lot.

The teacher continued to talk about our project then gave us "free time" to get partners and to start to do research on the topic we were doing.

I'm not going to lie I was really nervous that Kenny would go over to Tina. He was even talking right towards her but before he could ask Clyde asked her and she smiled confused obviously unaware of the attention she was getting and said yes. Kenny sighed putting his hands into his pocket then looked at me waving for me to come over to him.

'Oh of course... Second choice.' I sighed to myself grabbing my things and walking over to Kenny with a small smile.

Tina gave me a look but I couldn't really see it. Before I left I turned to her and waved bye. She waved back and I turned away again going to Kenny and finally sitting down.

"Are you and her friends?" Kenny asked me curiously.

"No.. Her locker is right next to mine and she was having trouble with it so I just helped her!" I spoke with a cheery tone he nodded

"So mister smarty pants. Do you know how to do this project?" Kenny tapped his pencil on the table obviously he didn't listen to anything the teacher was saying. Probably looking over at Tina.

"Yea.. It's not hard" I smiled and looked up at him and he nodded again.

Kenny looked down at what I was wearing and smiled
"Ya know if you wanna wear something with hello kitty on it I could try to get you something. It's getting kinda annoying seeing you wearing something Cartman gave you."

I immediately shock my head no
"No Kenny! I don't want you to waste your money on me! You don't even have a lot I rather you save it."

"I guess.." Kenny just looked away obviously still thinking about it.

The thought of him actually wanting to buy me something let alone of something I love just made my love for him grow even more. I love Kenny.
I couldn't hide my smile as I also looked away then back at him.

"I really don't want you to waste your money Kenny.. Save it. I'll buy myself one!" I tried to get him to agree but he always was so goddamn stubborn.

Kenny just looked at me and took off his parka handing it over to me

I tilted my head a bit a smile still on my face. "Why are you giving me your parka?"

"Take off that and put this on." He demanded.

My face immediately got red out of embarrassment And I took off my hoodie and took kennys parka that he was handing to me.

"Give me that."

I gave him the hoodie and put on his parka. It smelt just like him. I wonder when he'll want his parka back..

Kenny throw the hoodie in the trash and looked back at me giving me a small smile.

I just looked at my hoodie then back at him and sighed. "When do you want your parka back.?"

Kenny looked up for a little "hmmm until I give you another hello kitty themed hoodie or shirt!"

"Kenny no! I'll just give you the money for it!"

He just shock his head and ignored everything else I said going onto his phone looking down at his text messages and texting kyle, Stan, and maybe Eric I couldn't really tell.

I just sighed again looking behind me meeting eyes with Tina and I smiled waving at her. She waved back at me. Cylde wasn't the best partner he barely went to school or focused let alone do anything but always managed to get good grades. Either way he was just asleep on his desk so Tina smiled and walked over to me and Kenny.

Yandere Butters x KennyWhere stories live. Discover now